
Is your relationship a God?

Dede Nelson
Society from a munchkin perspective
2 min readMar 31, 2014


Is your boyfriend/girlfriend your God?Now teenage years are the years when everyone seems to be in relationships.But do this generation put their boyfriend or girlfriend in the spot where God suppose to be?When we were single we prayed to God all the time.But now that we got what we wanted we just chuck God somewhere and just ignore him until things get tight.

When love sweet and dandy who have time for God, but before you hear something bad regarding your significant other you ready to run to God.Like seriously I didn't know God was a waitress with a country accent?Why do you communicate with him only when times are bad?So what happens when times are good?You ignore him.God is suppose to the tv in your living room of life.When persons get into relationships, the first thing some do is call or text GOOD MORNING SWEETHEART SUGAR PLUM DARLING DOO DOO LOVE HONEYCAKE. So wait God doesn’t deserve your time anymore?Oh he not suppose to get the first Good morning anymore since your loverboy ‘loves’ you more.

God is suppose to be center of your relationship.If you and your lover boy/girl have a solid relationship with God, it would draw you even closer together because you would be able to handle conflict better once God is leading you both.Once you see that person is depriving you from having a relationship with God that person is not the one.Because that person is suppose to love God first then you.Once that person gives God his due respect he will do the same to you in the relationship.

All relationships are suppose to be centered on service:Service to God and to your significant other because relationships are all a learning process.It’s a give and take situation.If that person is not giving their all, you better sprint for your life cuz that would encourage unnecessary drama.If the relationship began with Bacchanal it go end the same way.There may be few cases where this doesn’t occur but it’s most likely to happen.If you seek God for the right person for you he will grant you the desires of your heart. ☺



Dede Nelson
Society from a munchkin perspective

Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us!God loves u!