The Design Sprint

A practical guide to answering critical business questions, created by Google Ventures.


What is it?

A five-day structured brainstorm based on design thinking and agile development.

A quick introduction to the Design Sprint process.

How does it work?

Read the step-by-step instructions:

Or watch the videos:

Playlist containing day-by-day instructions.

Why use it?

To answer critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers before launching a product or a feature of a product.

Who was it created by?

Who uses it?

Read stories from the teams and companies running Design Sprints, published by Google Ventures:

How can I learn more about it?

From the source.

  • Google Ventures:
  • Product Design Sprint Playbook to help a sprint master lead their team through the sprint:

Read the book.

  • Title: Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
  • Purchase: buy from Amazon (Note: affiliate link).
“Read this book and do what it says if you want to build better products faster.” — Ev Williams, founder of Medium and Twitter

Watch a presentation.

Take a course.

  • Name: Product Design by Google
  • Description: This course is designed to help you materialize your game-changing idea and transform it into a product that you can build a business around. Product Design blends theory and practice to teach you product validation, UI/UX practices, Google’s Design Sprint and the process for setting and tracking actionable metrics. This course is part of Udacity’s Tech Entrepreneur Nanodegree Program.
  • Price: Free
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Duration: Approximately 2 months

Attend a meetup.


Setting the Stage

  • Checklist:
  • How to set up the war room:
  • Shopping list for sprint supplies:

Day 1

  • Daily checklist for Monday:

Day 2

  • Daily checklist for Tuesday:
  • How to recruit customer for testing:

Day 3

  • Daily checklist for Wednesday:
  • Schedule customers and draft interview guide:

Day 4

  • Daily checklist for Thursday:
  • Finalize test schedule and complete interview guide:

Day 5

  • Daily checklist for Friday:
  • Interview customers and summarize findings:


  • Tools to run design sprints:
  • Get coaching email with a detailed checklist and video about the upcoming sprint exercises from the Sprint Bot:

About this article.

This article is part of a series of articles guiding readers in exploring the many frameworks and methodologies in product management. You can browse all articles here:

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