Life is simple

make choices and never look back.

I want to be a writer


Life is indeed simple, some may say that life is a struggle, a fight, a hustle. For money, knowledge, love or any other thing people obsess about.

But basically life is made out of choices that lead to actions that lead to the creation of events, moments, memories. And so life can be simplified to the choices we make, the moments we create and the memories were are left with.

One failure should not keep you from doing all the things you want to do and eventually succeed at one or some of them. Like the saying goes ”You only need to succeed once”, one bad choice should not keep you from taking another and eventually making the good one. That’s why you should never look back on the choices you have already taken, just go do what you want, learn from the experience and move on to the next. Life is a string of choices, you cannot defend yourself from the bad times by avoiding to make some decisions.

You cannot walk around life’s bad times like you would walk around a lake, you have to wade in deep and swim to the other side. Get into the thick of it, live through all the experiences life has to offer you, good or bad, make all the choices you are faced with and you will come out on the opposite shore a better person, a wiser and more complete human being. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, dedicated to something you really like and exploited to the max.

We only have a limited amount of time on this Earth and its our own choice how we use it. We can live the quiet life, following the stream of people that fade away into a peaceful existence by repeating the steps of those that came before them. Grow up, go to school, get a good(paying) job and then make a family and die of old age.

I for one am not in accordance with this type of life and I am always trying to change my own path and steer myself towards a more exciting and full existence. I consider that life is to short to constantly look back upon the choices I have made, those that have backfired and always try to not repeat them, always trying to stay safe.

As I was saying, life is a string of choices, once you unwind that string you cannot wind it back. You make a knot as you go along and it stays like that, never to be unwoven. A choice you made, a knot you created, its there forever , so just look the other way and go and make some more.

Looking back at choices you have made in the past is like looking down when you are on top of a high ledge, it only shows you how far you can fall. That is why the general advice is to never look down when at great heights, because you could get dizzy and fall, back to the starting point. No, when you have finally reached great heights only look forward and up, continue your ascent.

You have probably worked the better part of your life to get there, why would you want to see down, why would you want to even contemplate the idea of falling?

Life is a journey, you go on your own path of discovery and experience as much as you can. It is not like a trip to the supermarket, leave the house, get what you want or need and then get back to the safety of your cozy home.

No, life’s journey is one of discovery of new and uncharted places inside your heart, mind and soul. It is a trip and a test for all your senses, you must test yourself in life, reach your limits, try to surpass them. Or for what else are you going to life for, a large paycheck, a nice car or house?

Those things are ephemeral, you will get bored and want new ones. But experiences are there to stay, once you have lived through them, they are permanently stored in your mind and they never get old, they get better with each recollection.

And those experiences come as direct consequences of the choices you make. They are based on you having the courage to make the choice to go on, to dedicate yourself to something, to create a goal in life and aspire to reach it.

So please take my advice, take that choice you feel is so hard, make that decision, a leap of faith can sometimes lead to a new life. A more exciting and full life, you can always dream of the things you could have, but you can only get them by going out there and doing the work.

Take life into your own hands, make your own choices, don’t look back and just continue trying. You only need to succeed once.

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