New Co-Host + 5 Tips To Survive the Holiday Season

Michelle Pimm
I Was Just Saying That
3 min readJan 2, 2017

We have good news. The podcast is back for season two!

In this episode of I Was Just Saying That, we meet our new co-host Kimya Kavenhkar and discuss survival tips for the holiday season.

  1. First up — meet your new best friend, Kimya. Her interest include hating herself for being so interested in celebrities, figuring out what makes the perfect iced coffee, and trying to be the best journalist she can be. Personal life goals include hanging out with Mindy Kaling and opening a bottle of Champagne without wincing.

2. We chat through some holiday survival tips. Here are some highlights, including five tips to survive the holiday season with your family:

1. Tell your family that you booked an early morning workout class. Going to the class is completely optional. Really going to a Starbucks to just scroll through your Instagram? Recommended.

2. Be a hero — run an errand. Is the family out of ice? Carbs? Wine? Volunteer to get that item! It’s an easy way to slip out and get some alone time.

3. Avoiding conversations that are politically fueled may be hard when you’re with the family. So have some other timely news or facts in your back pocket to change the subject before your weird uncle starts talking again.

4. You know what requires little to no talking? A movie. This also gives you an excuse to eat buttered popcorn. Win-Win.

5. Drink. Just Drink.

Listen to the full episode for more tips and get to know Kimya.

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