Discovery running, first one

I will run in your hometown
4 min readFeb 2, 2017

Hi, I’m JB, from Paris, and my English isn’t perfect.

During Winter (2015), I started running 10kms again after like 5 years with just monthly 5 to 7km runs.
I needed it because I felt too much pression and overweighted.

I was at my grandparent’s, gaining weight (eat — sleep — repeat), and felt a urge : “you have time (no internet here), you have energy, go running !”.

Here is the result :

First I was like “not bad”, then I realised that my grandfather was able to follow me on his bike. He was 82 at this time. I had to run more.

I started a routine : a 10km run every wednesday, and 10 to 20km on sunday morning.

Goal (not achieved yet) is to run a half-maraton in 1:30h.

It’s incredible how much doing regular sport can improve your life, especially when you don’t waste your sunday morning agonizing of hangover in your bed !

I did my best time on August 8th, 2016 : 20km in 1:37h.
4:50mn/km, 12,4km/h on average.

(I have to confess, I almost fainted at the end.)

At first I just wanted to share it with you, readers from all over the world, to motivate you to go running or doing any sport you like.

But now, I started something new, mixing two passions : running + travelling.

The idea came in September : a new flatmate, Matt, from the UK, asked me to make him discover a bit of North-Paris by running.

And that’s what we did ! Almost 13km, 1:50h.

Why so slow ? Matt ran faster than me, but mostly we stopped to see enjoy the monuments and views we had. Among them : the Moulin Rouge, la Recyclerie, Grand Train, le Sacré Coeur, la rue des Martyrs, etc.

A very pleasant experience !

Matt appreciating the view from Montmartre, him and me (glasses) at mid-run, and him in front of the Moulin Rouge.

So, now I’m going to do that : when I’ll be travelling, I’ll run to explore the place differently.

And when I’ll be home, I’ll publish stories about the best tracks in Paris, or taking travellers to discovery runs.

My next step is Berlin ! I’ll run in Tempelhofer Feld and Treptower Park I think.

And after, during May, Central Asia : Uzbekistan and Kyrgystan. Let’s run on the Silk Road tracks !

If you want to run with me in Paris, please comment :)
If you know a place where I should run, please tell me :)
If you think this story is worth reading, hit that 💚 please !
(And if you think not, sorry for your time)

From one runner to the others,


I’m a Parisian guy, who loves running and travelling.

With two friends, I created Welcom’ to Paris, a platform to help travellers to meet Parisians and explore the real Paris with them.
Meet, share, experience !
Welcom’ is a community by travellers, for travellers.

I’m also a runner (amateur one), and this is why I started this new publication. Soon, you’ll find the running sessions I propose on our website, :



I will run in your hometown

Green mind and acts. Collapse enthousiast. Also, sharing, running. Curiosity is an universal energy.