作り過ぎ防止 / Preventing Overdevelopment

Masato Ishigaki
Masato Ishigaki
Published in
5 min readOct 5, 2023


A : 本当に小さい仮説検証で良いものと

B : 一度リリースしてユーザーに見せてコケると不可逆性が高いもの










When considering measures related to feature development, there are: A: Things that can be validated with a very small hypothesis test. B: Things that, once released and if they fail in front of users, have a high irreversibility.

For A, the principle of “doing as little as possible” is ideal. Engineers and designers tend to want to create and release features, but it’s best to resist that urge. For instance, just send a push notification to gauge interest based on the open rate, or simply adjust a view from the management screen. For example, if the goal is to show rankings to increase user engagement and raise the retention rate in the service, just send the current ranking position in the service through a push notification. Implement it in one day. If the response is good, spend a month creating a more detailed ranking display, providing rewards, or recommending strategies to users to improve their rankings. A good analogy might be Rakuten Points — if it works, incorporate it consistently as a ranking feature.

For B, once users are disappointed, they often don’t return. This might be the case with games. Also, without integrating a marketing strategy into the initiative, releasing it won’t mean much unless it creates some kind of buzz. Releasing and then trying a marketing strategy after some time might not be very effective. Deciding whether to go with B straight away or starting with A and then building B requires insights from market analysis and thinking about customer success. Deciding between A and B based solely on work hours might not be accurate.

This is similar to discussions on where to slice an MVP.

UnsplashSlava Auchynnikauが撮影した写真



Masato Ishigaki
Masato Ishigaki

Masato Ishigak / DMM.com LLC / Division Maneger / Engineering Maneger