Episode #6: We’re spunky. We like our tech crunchy.


This episode, we’re showing love to TechCrunch — a supremely cool company and one of our favorite tech & startup news outlets 🙌🏾

Recently, Brian (our supremely cool CEO) spoke at TechCrunch Disrupt SF — held annually, the conference debuts revolutionary startups, introduces game-changing products, and discusses what’s top of mind for the tech industry’s key innovators. It’s pretty major 😎

Brian pensively paced the stage, demonstrated our Diversity app — then explained why at the height of its popularity (over 10 million selfies uploaded) Kairos made the decision to retire it.

Check out the full video👇

Now, scroll down to see more TechCrunch + Kairos goodness 👯‍ annnddddd other TechCrunch links we like!

Not today Satan. Not today 👿

As China wages identity war on its entire populous — our own government’s use cases for Face Recognition increase and intensify.

And Kairos is out here having NONE of it. In this TechCrunch feature, CEO Brian Brackeen explains why use of commercial face rec in law enforcement is a really, really horrible idea, and how Kairos’ digital soul is NOT for sale💲

And the winner is 🏆

The Startup Battlefield competition is the showcase showdown of the Disrupt event. Hungry startups, you know, the real kind 🙃 present in front of VCs and tech leaders serving as judges for a chance to win $100,000 — and wait for it — the ever coveted Disrupt Cup.

This year, the winner is Forethought. They build AI models for question-answering and information retrieval for customer service. Actually knowledgable, helpful automated customer service? We’re here for it.

The Hill is alive with the sound of Face Recognition reform 🗣

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is on the Kairos side of the face rec in law enforcement debate.

In fact she’s written the FBI, FTC, and the EEOC to let them know that they need to start paying attention to the very real biases and risks associated with tech, ASAP 😳

The Identity Economy™ is written and curated by the team at

If you want to learn more about Kairos and how Face Recognition can transform your business — drop us a line 😃



The Identity Economy™ (we’ve moved to

Enabling safe and trusted connections between people and technology, all powered by #FaceRecognition — Gartner #AI #IoT Cool Vendor 😎 —