Zark Muckerberg.


Episode #8: Facebook & Amazon’s Groundhog Day(s).


Is there a d̵a̵y̵ minute that goes by without a negative Facebook story?

And just when they announce a new product (Portal, anyone? — Check out our hot take at the end) of course that gets overshadowed by the New York Times’ reportage of yet another data breach. 🤦‍

This time, ‘Russian firms’ have been harvesting the public avatars of millions of FB users to build (and presumably sell) face recognition software to the ‘Russian government’.

Facebook says it’s dealt with the matter — however, this isn’t the first time they’ve been late to identify abuse of their network.

Our friends at ACLU are asking the right questions:

But first.

It’s been a busy week for links. Here’s our faves…

Listen up Jeff 😬

Earlier this year Amazon’s Rekognition product was at the heart of the criticism of the shortcomings of facial recognition technology. It had kinda started to cool down… then this came out.

We admire this employee’s courage for coming forward. AND. WE. AGREE.

“After all, our concern isn’t one about some future harm caused by some other company: Amazon is designing, marketing, and selling a system for dangerous mass surveillance right now.” — Anonymous Amazon Employee

This is not the Han Solo you are looking for

Ya know, Mr. Lucas might actually get behind this — seeing as he loves fiddling with his old Star Wars movies. Still, deep learning has a lot to answer for. What would Chewie say???

“Annnnd, you are?”

Look, this one’s easy to fix — just keep your social circle to 4,999 people. Sorted 🙃.

More on Facebook Portal…

This made us literally laugh out loud. Then weep. Such is the tragicomic goings-on over on 1 Hacker Way right now.

Sorry Zuck, but this is a terrible way to skirt around a huge problem with this product…


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