How to Get More Deployments as a Hail Adjuster Without Breaking the Bank on Licenses as a Catstrophic Claims Adjuster

Chris Stanley
Independent Adjuster Path
2 min readJun 2, 2017

We all want more deployments….. right? I assume that’s why you are reading this.

I frequently am asked the question, “What adjuster licenses should I get?”


“Do I have enough licenses to get deployed?”

I’ll answer the question of what licenses to get and I promise you won’t have to break the bank. If you follow my advice you will be able to work in nearly 20 hail states and you will still have money to drive to your first storm.

No one wants to be left out of a deployment because he or she lacks the licenses, but until we get deployed it’s hard to have money to get all the state licenses we are “told” we need to get. That’s why it is important for us to distinguish what licenses we need to get that first deployment. Most bigger companies give you a long list that includes hurricane states, but hurricane season is June 1st to November 30th. Hail season is March to September. This is why I recommend you to focus your money and energy on getting our first deployment of the year early, during the hail season, and not break the bank sitting around hoping for a hurricane late in the year.

It hails all over the country, but it is consistent in the Midwest. By looking at the numbers of claim counts, loss amounts, the number of hail storms, and by reviewing where I have worked the last 5 years I’ve put together a list of 5 (or 6) licenses that you should get.

When you combine these licenses with all the non-licensing states (states that don’t require a license) you will be available to work in 19 states that are hailed on every hail season. How is that for playing the odds!

Read the rest of the article on by clicking here

(Check out the IA Path Podcast episode on this topic by clicking HERE)



Chris Stanley
Independent Adjuster Path

Chris has 9 years of experience as an independent auto adjuster, lives on a sailboat with his wife & 2 kids, and travels the country for catastrophic storms.