Making Money Driving, Need an Additional $1000/mo. Income?

Chris Stanley
Independent Adjuster Path
4 min readJan 20, 2017

People all over the United States, including us adjusters, are in debt and many are trying to either increase their income or eliminate the debt all together. Most of the time we don’t have spending problems, but we have income problems. Earning additional income as an independent appraiser or adjuster is a long road. With net 30 pay the normal situation it’s hard to supplement your income in a hurry to make up for unexpected expenses. I’ll assume that most of you feel you need additional income.

Now before you start jumping to driving pizza’s, nothing against Papa John’s or Domino’s, but what other ways can we increase our income without adding a rigid hour part-time job? No offense Dave Ramsey, but this is the 21st century and Pizza is not the first option anymore.

Most you will understand the following list that describes our job, driving for a living, feast or famine, waiting on assignments, 1099 contractor, tracking mileage and expenses etc. There happens to be many workers that have the same descriptors, but are not independent auto damage appraisers or adjusters. In fact, 160,000+ Uber Drivers worked with these same descriptors in December alone.

The average Uber driver earns $20-$30/hr. and works 10 hours a week earning a health $200-$300 a week. That’s up to $1200/mo.! When I think about being an Uber driver I don’t get excited, but when I really imagine the job of being a “rideshare driver” it is like what we already do and could fit beautifully into our work cycle. Waiting an hour for your 2:30pm appointment? Why not earn $20 in that hour. Willing to work Saturday? Go sit near the stadium and rack up some great rides!

You get the idea, but rideshare driving isn’t the only way we can increase our income. Most of us are working with some form a pride and haven’t resorted to many of the options we could explore even within our own field.

· WeGoLook — We go look is now legitimate! With Crawford & Company acquiring 85% of WeGoLook for $30,000,000+ don’t be too proud to take their online webinar and start receiving Looks. Lookers with experience earn higher amounts. Once again, an extra $20 a few times a week adds up.

· Onsource — Like WeGoLook this is a good option to get occasional claims to boost your income

· Nationwide Appraisal Companies — We adjusters all are proud to work for the little guy who pays faster, better, and with less stress, but sometimes having more money is better than that. Don’t forget about the juggernauts of the industry, SCA Appraisal, Nationwide Appraisals, Auto Claims Direct, IA Net, The Doan Group etc.

· Regional Appraisal Companies — Do some quick research online and search for appraisal companies in your region. There are many companies that you have never even heard of. Take a few hours on Google and LinkedIn and make a few hundred extra bucks a month.

· Reduce Your Rate — This is counter culture and hard to swallow, but if you need additional work ask your current companies if you could get a larger share of the work for $5 less a file. This can’t last forever, but in a time of needing more work you can boost your income significantly by increasing your volume from existing clients.

· Get a Mile Tracking App– There are so many adjusters who still do not take advantage of amazing mileage tracking apps like MileIQ. This will save thousands of dollars over the course of the year. If you don’t have a mileage tracking app get MileIQ here.

· Use Badger Mapping — Seriously if you aren’t using MileIQ and a mapping software like Badger Mapping you are missing out on earning additional income by saving time and money. Save gas with Badger Mapping and earn more by fitting more claims into your day with their route optimization. Click here to try Badger Mapping free for 2 Months.

No matter your situation, earning an extra $1000/mo. can be the difference between enjoying your job and feeling like you are drowning. Whether you choose getting additional work, driving Uber, or saving money using a few of the apps listed here I want you to know you can increase your income and that you have options.

If you are a rideshare driver and interested in becoming an auto damage appraiser or adjuster it is not hard to get started. You can earn $2000-$3000/mo. working 2–3 days a week once you have gotten started. I’ve created a course for helping people get started in this industry. You can find details and a free trial HERE.

If you are struggling as an auto adjuster or appraiser I’d love to help any way that I can. Feel free to schedule a call with me by clicking here or email me at

If you want a cheat sheet 5 nationwide appraisal companies get it by clicking HERE.

For other free adjuster resources visit




Chris Stanley
Independent Adjuster Path

Chris has 9 years of experience as an independent auto adjuster, lives on a sailboat with his wife & 2 kids, and travels the country for catastrophic storms.