Json schemas for App plugins

iAdvize developers
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2019

You will now be able to find json schemas for every App Plugins available on our devplatform. This will make it easier to integrate App Plugins.

First a little reminder about what our App Plugins are. The App plugins allow you to use iAdvize features directly from your connector. For every connector you want to use a plugin on you just need to insert the correct url.

Here are the various App Plugins available:

  • Product List
  • Customer Information
  • Conversation Closing Form
  • Chat Bot
Customer information plugin settings

Theses urls will be called when the user interface is displayed by our users. In order to display data in our UI your connector needs to follow a specific JSON format for each type of route / resource. On our side we use a JSON Schema for each required format. These files are public so you can use them to validate your responses.

You can find these schemas under each plugin route example. In the case of customer information plugin, you need to return an array of fields with different properties.

Customer information plugin example for “Get all information” route

We provide you an example of response data but the JSON Schema describes precisely the awaited JSON format. You can use it to validate your own responses during your development process.

The JSON schema for customer information — get all information

Don’t forget to check your connector logs in the developer platform. For each call we made to your connector (webhook & plugin) a log is available and in case of failure you can know what kind of error it is.

We hope this brings you more autonomy and comprehension in your development work

the iAdvize integration team.

