We’re using Redux selectors too much

Guillaume Wuip
iAdvize Engineering
6 min readSep 9, 2019

In the big React/Redux application I work on, when I open a {domain}/selectors.js file I often have to face a long list of Redux selectors like this :


At first glance the use of selectors seems harmless, but our current experience has us reaching a different conclusion: there is such a thing as too many selectors, and we have reached this point.

Redux and selectors

Let’s start with Redux. What is it actually for? A quick look at redux.js.org will remind us that this is a “a predictable state container for JavaScript apps”.

Using Redux, we’re encouraged to write selectors even if they are not mandatory. They are just getters for some parts of the state, ie. functions with this signature : State -> SubState. We usually write selectors instead of accessing the state directly in order to compose them or memoize their results. A sensible endeavour.

Going too far with selectors

The list of selectors I copied in the introduction bears the telltale signs of code produced in a rush. We probably added a field (email) to an entity we already had (User). We have a component that previously waited for firstName and lastName and now waits for email too. Following the logic previously set in place, somebody added the selector getUserEmailSelector, then used it in our component and boom, done!

Or is it really? We now have one more selector to write and it’s not that simple. We will compose it with other selectors, probably ending with something like:

const getUsers = (state) => state.users;
const getUser = (id) => (state) => getUsers(state)[id];
const getUserEmailSelector = (id) => (state)
=> getUser(id)(state).email;

The first issue arises: what should getUserEmailSelector return when getUser returns undefined which can and will happen (bugs, transitory states, legacy code, etc.)? It’s not the role of selectors to handle errors or provide default values.

The second issue has to do with testing this selector. If we want this unit test to mean something, we have to use mock data matching production data. We therefore have to mock the whole state (because production data is not meant to be incomplete) just for this selector, and depending on the architecture of your app it’s sometimes not very practical.

Let’s assume we have written and tested the getUserEmailSelector selector as stated. Let’s use it when we connect our component to the store:

const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
firstName: getUserFirstName(ownProps.userId)(state),
lastName: getUserLastName(ownProps.userId)(state),

// the new data
email: getUserEmailName(ownProps.userId)(state),

That’s the process that led to this collection of selectors.
We went too far. We ended up writing a pseudo API for the User entity. A User API that is not usable outside of a Redux context and that isn’t really a User API because it requires the full state. Moreover, this API is not usable at scale. As we add fields to the User entity, we will have to add more and more selectors to the
mapStateToProps, writing a lot of boilerplate code.

Should we access the entity property directly?

If the problem is having too many selectors, maybe we could use getUser and then access the property we need directly ?

const user = getUser(id)(state);
const email = user.email;

Doing so does solve the problem of having too many selectors to write and maintain, however stopping there creates another maintenance issue. Whenever we will need to completely change the shape of this User entity, we will also need to track down every instance of user.email. Depending on the size of the codebase, this can really prevent us from doing even a simple refactoring. The previous selector had the merit of making this theoretical change easier because fixing said selector upstream would have taken care of all its instances downstream.

And while this solution could be used for direct properties, what about computed ones like the user’s full name that should be the concatenation of firstName and lastName? We need to go deeper.

Domain first, Redux second

A cleaner approach to this feature could be summed up in two steps:

  1. How do we define our domain?
  2. How do we store the data? (State management stuff, here using Redux)

In the Domain step (here the User domain), we take a break from Redux altogether and consider what a user is, and what the API to interact with it needs to be.

// api.ts
type User = {
id: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
email: string,
const getFirstName = (user: User) => user.firstName:
const getLastName = (user: User) => user.lastName:
const getFullName = (user: User)
=> `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`;
const getEmail = (user: User) => user.email:
...const createUser = (id: string, firstName: string, ...) => User

What has been proven to work well for us is to always use the API and even to consider the User type opaque outside of the api.ts file, meaning we never access a user property directly, as if we couldn’t know what properties there are on the User entity.

Back to Redux and our State step, we are now free to tackle only state-related questions:

  • What should be the shape of my state?
  • Should users be stored in a list? In a key-value map? etc.
  • How do I retrieve a user? Should it be memoized? (the getUser selector)

A small API for a wealth of benefits

By applying the separation of concerns principle between the domain and the state, we gain on multiple aspects.

We now have clearly documented our domain (here, the User model and its API) in our api.ts file. It can be tested independently. We can even extract this API and model duet in a library to share it across applications if needed.

We can easily compose functions as we would selectors, a marked benefit over accessing properties directly. Additionally, our interface to our data is now easier to maintain in the long run: we can easily change the way User is shaped without changing every instance downstream.

There is no witchcraft here and the API should look familiar: it shares some similarities with what was done through selectors, however it has a key difference: it doesn’t require the whole state as a dependency, thus it doesn’t require the full state to be tested, and it’s detached from its Redux context and the boilerplate that comes with it.

This directly leads to cleaner components props. Instead of waiting for firstName, lastName and email, our component could now simply wait for a User and use its API to extract the data it needs. We only need one selector (getUser).

Reducers and middlewares can also benefit from this and use the API. The pattern is to retrieve the User first and deal with missing values, errors and assorted missteps then use its API instead of retrieving a lot of small parts of the state without a clean domain vision. Redux acts thus as a true “predictable state container” without becoming an all-encompassing part of how we interact with this container.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions (and here, selectors): we do not want to access a stored entity property directly, so we write a specific selector for that.

While the primary motivation for doing so is good, selector proliferation has its own set of maintainability drawbacks.

The solution proposed is to always proceed in two steps. First, define the domain and write its API. Then, do the Redux part (state shape and entity selector). This way we write fewer but better code: it takes just one selector to build a more composable and maintainable API.

A big thanks ❤️ to all my iAdvize colleagues that helped me write this Fhenon De Urioste, Axel Cateland, Nicolas and Benoit !

