CryptoEri Interview Recap with CEO Navjit Dhaliwal of Iagon

Iagon Official
Published in
5 min readDec 23, 2021

Discover in detail a great CryptoEri interview with the CEO of Iagon, Navjit Dhaliwal.

💡 This article is reprinted here from Iagon corporate blog.

Last week, we were excited to have a very informative CryptoEri, a known influencer, interview with Navjit Dhaliwal to inform the community about our successes and what we’ve been up to lately.

Read text recap of the interview in detail

⭐️ CryptoEri:

Hey, everybody, it’s Eri, and we have just a great interview plan for you. I’m so happy to tell you that Navjit Dhaliwal. That’s tough for me on the last name, but we will call him Nav. We’re going to keep it very simple. Nav is here, and he’s got a very innovative business. It’s part of the storage economy. It’s going to be massive with the coming of all the bells and whistles that Web 3.0 brings, the storage on a permissionless network is going to be just, I think, really in demand.

And so I want to hear a bit of what he is doing and what they will plan for their roadmap in 2022 and just get to know this project a little bit better. So welcome. Thank you so much for joining me tonight.

👑 Navjit Dhaliwal:

Thanks for having us. Glad to be here.

⭐️ CryptoEri:

Well, I think for everyone who may be unfamiliar with yourself, let’s start with a simple introduction. Let people know about your background, maybe how this was a space that attracted you to build in and try to introduce what Iagon is for everyone.

👑 Navjit Dhaliwal:

Yeah, sure. I came into the space in about 2013. I’m from the healthcare industry. I’m a dentist by profession, but I took programming plus in high school. So I was into, let’s say, innovative technology and constantly reading, trying to update myself on new tech as well. So I came across a Bitcoin paper in 2013. It took a few reasons before I understood the generic concept, and well, it was a product at that time. And then I started reading it, understanding it, and I understood the technology of blockchain around it and trying to imply that in my industry is the healthcare industry.

So I try to imply that into health care records, patient data, patient privacy. So securing patient data with, let’s say, blockchain as a security layer and also building around compliance. Right. Which is a big issue today in GDPR. It was not as big back then, but now it’s getting much more critical for worldwide industries. And eventually, I moved to Norway in 2013. So a lot is going on in my personal life. So I didn’t re-approach the idea until 2017. And that’s when there was a lot of other players that were doing something similar, but in a more generic sense, like Filecoin storage, SIA coin, for example, these guys or these projects were doing something similar, but more generically, so not to reinvent the same thing.

And many projects do that, and they mix and match and try to come up with something to work around the solution. But we’re trying to create some real-world scenarios here where we can use this as a fundamental tool to protect data and adhere to compliance. So I approached some industry experts who are currently the co-founders in the space. Dr. Elad Harrison was the first one I came to. He’s one of the co-founders. He’s a machine learning professor, an expert, and Dr. Rohit Gupta, the former director of technology for Expedia. He’s from Seattle, US, and currently working as a senior manager at Google. His thesis back in 2005 relates to directly what we’re doing. And he was very eager to come on board as one of the co-founding members because it allowed him to finish his Ph.D. work, which he completed in 2005 or started in 2005. So he was eager to jump on board. And we have Dr. Claudio Lima, who’s from Houston, Texas.

He’s the former director of technology for Huawei and East Asia. And he’s one of the blockchain protection the early going. So those are the four founders and me, the early ones that came to the project, trying to create something more unique, something different. For example, look at the blockchain space in terms of compliance and, let’s say, the intelligent allocation wasn’t available at that time. So what Iagon does? Iagon is the first shared storage economy that bridges decentralization with regulation — enabling us to target enterprise clients.

We are now veering off to Web 3.0, which will be stored for Web 3.0 like Metaverse and NFTs. We do have grants from Innovation Norway and SkatteFUNN. Innovation Norway is government-funded, and so SkatteFUNN is a tax incentive. So we were also approved for that. So we get tax back. Anything we get back for the next two years, anything we develop for the next two years. And we expanded our team this year. We closed a funding round of $3.6 million in July.

And also we’re opening offices in Poland and Australia. We currently have 19 team members. We’re expanding that to around 25 very shortly. How we differentiate ourselves is we have a few things. Many competitors are doing sharding files and then spreading them across the resource providers. They’re allocating their idle resources like storage or compute, but they’re doing it randomly. So what makes us different is we have a decentralized, autonomous marketplace, which means that we’re learning the behavior of each resource provider. So we’re learning the behavior in terms of their performance, availability, trustability, different factors.

We can also include IP location, which is essential for compliance. So if you want to be GDPR compliant as an end-user, we can match you with providers in the EU. Even though we do it randomly, we do it in a specific manner that the end-user requires. So if they need to be GDPR compliant and have a high

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