Community AMA Recap

Iagon Official
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2021

Check more questions & answers from the Community AMA with the CEO of Iagon, moderated by BDM Mariela Tanchez on Dec23th 2021.

💡 This article is reprinted here from Iagon corporate blog.

On December 23rd, 2021, we participated in the Community AMA on telegram with almost 90k active members. It was moderated by BDM Mariela Tanchez who asked Navjit Dhaliwal, CEO at Iagon, about project development and traction, followed by a fantastic community driven questions session.

We are always happy to tell you about everything we do, and therefore we invite you to familiarize yourself with a detailed overview of the discussion.

Questions Session from Mariela Tanchez, BDM

👉 Tell us about how you entered the crypto space and how your background contributed to your early successes

💬 Navjit Dhaliwal:

I came into the space in about 2013. I’m from the healthcare industry. I’m a healthcare professional, but I took programming in high school (c++). So I was into, let’s say, innovative technology and constantly reading, trying to update myself on new tech as well. So I came across a Bitcoin paper in 2013. It took a few reasons before I understood the generic concept, and well, it was a product at that time. And then I started reading it, understanding it, and I understood the technology of blockchain around it and trying to imply that in my industry is the healthcare industry.

So I try to imply that into health care records, patient data, patient privacy. So securing patient data with, let’s say, blockchain as a security layer and also building around compliance. Right. Which is a big issue today in GDPR. It was not as big back then, but now it’s getting much more critical for worldwide industries.

I didn’t re-approach the idea until 2017. And that’s when there were a lot of other players that were doing something similar, but in a more generic sense, like Filecoin storage, SIA coin, for example, these guys or these projects were doing something similar, but more generically, so as not to reinvent the same thing. And many projects do that, and they mix and match and try to come up with something to work around the solution. We wanted to create something new.

We’re trying to create some real-world scenarios here where we can use this as a fundamental tool to protect data and adhere to compliance.

👉 So let’s dive more into the project, what is your project exactly and can you tell us more about your vision?

💬 Navjit Dhaliwal:

Sure, Iagon is the first shared storage economy that bridges decentralisation with regulation, enabling us to target enterprise clients for Web 3.0.

We have grants via Innovation Norway, which is government funded and closed a 3.6 million USD funding round in July.

We are headed by 4 PHDs that are experts in decentralized computing, AI, cloud computing architecture and business development. We have recently expanded our team to 19 people and are in the process of opening offices in Poland and Australia.

The vision is to create a decentralized and compliant storage/computing solution for Web 3.0.

👉 What are some of the major milestones you guys have hit so far and why are they important?

💬 Navjit Dhaliwal:

Please follow us on social media and feel free to drop any questions you may have about the project directly in the telegram group. Our team is always open to discussions.

