Inged Sanchez
Iagon Official
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2018


IAGON becomes a proud member of RSA SecurWorld Partner Program!

Another day at IAGON and we got another new and exciting team-up to announce. We’re partnering with a well known business-driven security solution that helps organizations manage risk and protect what matters most — their data! We’re presenting RSA!

Security has always been a number one priority for IAGON and is also a extremely important reason why we have decided to change the cloud and web services market. Current dominant companies in this market utilize central and less trusted storage and computation facilities. This is why we aim at providing companies and individuals storage and processing services at a fraction of the market prices and at a better security level. We use a dual layer security, military style encryption and Blockchain technology to provide our users with highly secure platform.

IAGON works on the unbreakable Blockchain encryption technology that ensures the complete protection of data files and databases of any size. Besides this, IAGON ensures the rapid retrieval and update of any stored file. No one can retrieve, encrypt or read the contents of an uploaded file except from the user who uploaded it and has the key to it. IAGON’s technology ensures that even when information systems are breached, the data and files cannot be accessed, deleted or modified in any way.

RSA SecureWorld Partner Program:

Iagon has enter the RSA SecureWorld Partner Program which will provide us with new opportunities, great benefits and new resources. RSA solutions are designed to effectively detect and respond to any attacks, including manage user identities and access, reduce cybercrime, fraud and business risk. RSA protects millions of users worldwide and works with some of the biggest companies worldwide.

We believe that RSA SecureWorld Partner Program will positively affect IAGON’s path to provide its clients a reliable, extremely secure and cost effective platform. With the boost of their specialization, knowledge and resources we believe we can bring IAGON to achieve true greatness in the cloud and web service market.

We are proud to add RSA SecureWorld to the growing lists of our partners and truly believe that they will be of great help in making IAGON platform even more secure for its users.

Revolutionize the cloud with us and make sure to save the date May 27th, 2018 to join our Pre-Sale!

If you have any questions join our Telegram group here: Telegram

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