IAGON Has Been Approved For SkatteFUNN

Our team is always looking for new opportunities with the goal to implement more features of our solution and speed up product development.

Iagon Official
2 min readNov 10, 2020


Dealing with uncertainty during these pandemic times, our team is moving forward to achieve IAGON’s mission and create a world where anyone can profit by joining a massive processing and storage platform.

We are happy to announce that IAGON has been approved for the well-known and important SkatteFUNN program.

It means that IAGON has been recognised as a company that seeks to develop a new or improved product through a dedicated R&D project. This will help to generate new knowledge, skills and capabilities within the company.

The SkatteFUNN R&D Project is a government program designed to stimulate research and development (R&D) in Norwegian trade and industry. The incentive is a tax credit and comes in the form of a possible deduction from a company’s payable corporate tax.

We need to note that SkatteFUNN is aimed to significantly increases recipients’ investments in R&D and enhances innovation and productivity.

The SkatteFUNN is open to all companies with a permanent establishment in Norway as long as the R&D costs can be attributed to future earnings of the Norwegian company.

How This Will Help IAGON

Participation in this program will help us stay on track to continue product development despite all the negative impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. It means, we can invest more funds in research and development of our products and become the next tech stack in the book.

We need to remind you that we have a complete working product and you can try our Platform — https://iagon.com.

Our main goal is to make the platform super functional but at the same time understandable and easy to use.

We are going strictly according to our roadmap, so please stay tuned with our updates with all the innovations and improvements.

About SkatteFUNN project

The SkatteFUNN R&D Project is a government program that is designed to stimulate research and development (R&D) in Norwegian trade and industry. Businesses and enterprises that are subject to taxation in Norway are eligible to apply for tax relief.

Approved projects may receive a tax deduction of up to 20 percent of the eligible costs related to R&D activity. All costs must be associated with the approved projects.

For more information and to see what else is going on with IAGON, please follow us at the social media links below, or head over to the IAGON Website!

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