Iagon Use Cases: Benefits of Cloud Technology for 🦄New Startups

3… 2… 1… Lift-off! Start your journey to the cloud!

Iagon Official
3 min readJun 24, 2022


💡 This article is reprinted here from Iagon corporate blog.

Running a company is not a piece of cake. Let alone building a new one from scratch. Business owners have a lot to think about at the start of their journey. Cost management, product adoption, uncertain future — all this has to be taken into account. As if that was not enough, the coronavirus outbreak in 2020 forced the acceleration of digital transformation within the business sector. According to analysts from Gartner, Inc., a technological research and consulting firm, more than 85% of enterprises will operate on a cloud-first basis by 2025.

Why is the cloud good for your business?

Adopting cloud services in the earliest stages of a company’s lifecycle can solve many potential problems, but brings a few challenges along. Can Iagon do anything to relieve startups? Some startups are lucky enough to have investors that back them up, others have to worry about their capital. Despite the differences, all of them can benefit from using cloud services.

Cloud technology helps new businesses to start with less capital. There is no need for costly IT infrastructure and software it would have to run on. Not having to maintain all that hardware means the need for office space is reduced which, in turn, translates to even more savings. These funds can then be spent on marketing, research, customer service, or whatever the company needs to grow.

You can never be certain when your product or service becomes popular and your company starts growing. Is it reasonable to invest a lot in the equipment upfront? What if it turns out you don’t need so much? What do you do during a lockdown? Cloud services are easily scalable exactly when you need more storage or computing resources so no long-term investments are necessary.

One of the most important benefits of using cloud services is data security. Your data needs to be kept safe, especially if your product is unique and revolutionary. Storing valuable files on-site is not the best idea even if your employees need 24/7 access. Some companies cannot afford maintenance breaks or losing backup data. Cloud storage is generally a lot safer and solves the problems of maintenance-related downtime and server failure.

Moreover, the cloud is always up to date. Startup owners don’t have to worry about aging hardware or expiring software licenses. Let’s not forget that access to the newest software and equipment generally improves the ability to adopt new technologies.

Finally, if there’s no IT structure to maintain, there’s no need for an IT team, which helps to cut down on expenses even more. Most cloud platforms are user-friendly, and some providers offer assistance when necessary.

No need to be afraid

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