Weekend Picks: Nathan Jurgenson

IAM Journal
2 min readJan 24, 2017


Meet IAM Weekend 17 speaker nathanjurgenson! A social media theorist, Nathan’s work stretches far and wide: he’s a researcher at Snapchat, Editor-in-Chief of Real Life Magazine, Co-Founder & Co-Chair of the Theorizing the Web conference and Contributing editor at The New Inquiry.

We’re fascinated to hear from Nathan given this wealth of experience, and have no doubt his insights will illuminate our exploration of The Renaissance of Utopias at IAM Weekend 17!

Welcome to the IAM Family nathanjurgenson, and read on for his Weekend Picks! 😃 (Read more of our IAM Weekend 17 speakers’ Weekend Picks here!)

🚶 This weekend IAM…

…in Canada playing drums with my band in Montreal and Toronto and taking some extra days up here doing some final writing for my book on photography and social media.

🎧 IAM listening to…

..right now, the new Austra record: Future Politics.

📚 IAM reading…

…this book called Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia [by Peter Pomerantsev].

👈👈 I’m rereading Le Guin’s The Dispossessed at bedtime.

And of course am reading various drafts of essays for my publication, Real Life.

I’ll spend all next week reading the many competitive submissions to the conference I put on called Theorizing the Web.

📺 IAM watching…

…Spaghetti Westerns recently. I feel pulled to the desert as of late.

🔗 IAM sharing…

…this poster:

Join us at IAM Weekend 17, where we’ll be exploring The Renaissance of Utopias with Nathan!



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