2011-era iPhone photo, in extremely humid conditions


Reporting from the wet front line of the 2011 Brisbane floods

Dan Hill
I am a camera
Published in
26 min readJan 13, 2011


Very sketchy initial notes from the last day or so, sent from a suburb of Brisbane as the Queensland floods hit. (Ed. this piece was first published at cityofsound.com on January 13, 2011). As I write, in the broader Queensland floods, there are 13 confirmed dead, and dozens more missing. With that in mind, we are incredibly fortunate here, and our experiences pale by comparison to those horrors. We’re safe, and quite comfortable. But power is out, networks are fragile, and it’s already quite an experience, shall we say, with tonight’s ‘king tide’ still to come. It’s late, so please excuse the scratchy nature of these notes, and the lack of links, images and an edit. You can follow the news via the ABC or equivalent. My Twitter feed will serve as notes for the last 2 days, and may cover updates, power permitting.

I wrote this last night, until about 0130, and then the power gave out as I was transferring from laptop to iPad, a tricky process at the best of times. So I posted this the following morning.

I’m writing this by candlelight as the power at home went some 12 hours ago now. The irony of using an iPad by candlelight is not lost on me. The iPad is in Flight mode to conserve power. Though Fight mode might be better description, as we’re staying put rather than heading out of…



Dan Hill
I am a camera

Designer, urbanist, etc. Director of Melbourne School of Design. Previously, Swedish gov, Arup, UCL IIPP, Fabrica, Helsinki Design Lab, BBC etc