Mighty Networks | Deep Impact for Meaningful Communities

About Mighty Networks

Naomi Hattaway
2 min readJul 1, 2017


Mighty Networks is the fastest way for communities to create and grow an authentic platform based on your own deep interests — on mobile and web. Mighty Networks employs proprietary algorithms and smart technology to instantly connect members by their location, by the topics they choose, and by the categories they define. Everything for your community-powered brand is in one place.The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, California and privately funded. For more information, please visit: www.mightynetworks.com.

About Gina Bianchini

Gina Bianchini Mighty Networks

These stories get me up every morning and motivate me and my team to find new and better ways to harness deep interests to capture knowledge, make friends, and find inspiration, but it’s more personal than that.

From my own experience, I know it’s easier to navigate a unique life experience — whether that’s losing a parent, mastering a sport, or launching a business — when you belong to a social network for a deep interest with people on the same path.

We’ve spent the past decade hardening identities that today divide us. Let’s spend the next decade building new connections around the deep interests that bring us together. — — Gina Bianchini, Mighty Networks Founder

Visit this link to listen to an exclusive interview with Naomi Hattaway and Gina Bianchini!



Naomi Hattaway

Saying my piece at naomihattaway.com | Building a community at IAmATriangle.mn.co | Helping families “find home” at 8thandHome.com