Top 100 MLM Blogs In The World

♔Ashish Shrivastav♔
31 min readDec 14, 2016

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they generate but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant’s “Downline”, and can provide multiple levels of compensation. Other terms used for MLM include pyramid selling, network marketing, and referral marketing. According to the US FTC, some MLM companies constitute illegal pyramid schemes which exploit members of the organization.

MLM is one type of direct selling. Most commonly, the salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. MLM salespeople not only sell the company’s products but also encourage others to join the company as a distributor.

Companies that use MLM models for compensation have been a frequent subject of criticism and lawsuits. Criticism has focused on their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes, price fixing of products, high initial entry costs (For marketing kit and first products), emphasis on recruitment of others over actual sales, encouraging if not requiring members to purchase and use the company’s products, exploitation of personal relationships as both sales and recruiting targets, complex and exaggerated compensation schemes, the company and/or leading distributors making major money off training events and materials, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members’ enthusiasm and devotion.

Top MLM Blogs In The World:

1. Eric’s Worre: In March 2009, Eric Worre created and posted his first video on Since then he has posted over 900 videos that offer generic training for the Network Marketing profession. He has interviewed the top leaders and earners in the profession as well as offered his personal knowledge in the hopes of helping everyone in Network Marketing to become a professional. His videos are viewed all over the world and have had over 73,000 comments posted since the beginning. is the most watched video training site in the Network Marketing profession.

Eric’s Blog:

2. Ray Higdon: Ray Higdon creates massive value on his blog & helps network marketers answer the tough questions in a very candid way. Questions such as:

1) How to recruit more people, 2) How to overcome objections, 3) How to get more leads online & 4) How to get more traffic to your website. No matter what company you are in, his blog can help. He is a seven figure a year earner and a sought after speaker.

His blog is ranked around 16,000 worldwide on Alexa and he routinely leaks audios & videos from private events.

Ray’s Blog:

3. Lawrence Tam: 6 Figure Earner Lawrence Tam kicked off his online journey in 2007. Seen as a seasoned Veteran his success didn’t come straight away and it didn’t come easy. When still a ‘newbie’ Lawrence’s online efforts saw him hop from site to site promoting his offers wherever there was a space to comment. He spent on average 5–6 hours doing this and to his distress Lawrence’s efforts got him banned several websites. Lawrence shocked and disappointed had to go back to the drawing board. He started getting overwhelming pressure from his family.. “Quit this thing and go work harder at your Job!” — But Lawrence knew that a J.O.B (or Just Over Broke) would not let him provide for his family and he has greater aspirations that the average man.

Lawrence’s Blog:

4. Rob Fore: In 1990, due to a few bad decisions, Rob Fore lost everything. His home, business, income and self-respect. He went from hero to homeless in 90 days. Today Rob uses the internet to “Create Wealth on the Fast Track” and invites you to join him on the journey. He teaches a proven 5-step system for generating organic search traffic, leads and sales. He is a top 20 income earner with a team of over 11,000 active MLM distributors worldwide, a certified firewalk instructor, public speaker and coach.


5. Troy Dooly: Troy Dooly’s constant advocacy for distributors and companies alike has allowed him to become one of the most influential voices in the direct selling industry. Troy is the News Director of the Home Business Radio Network, with 1 million listeners per month. He is the host of The Beachside CEO Radio Show with 40 Thousands downloads per month, and his MLM News Reports is watched by over 1.7 million people worldwide. Troy Dooly is the Voice Of Network Marketing.

Troy’s Blog:

6. Jonathan Budd: Jonathan is a master innovator at using the internet and social media to build a rock solid network marketing business. Thanks to his ‘oneness’ with the power of intention and understanding his abilities to create abundance, Jonathan is one of the top earners in the Network Marketing industry with systems in place that are second to none. Any encounter with Jonathan’s trainings will leave you inspired and energized.

Jonathan’s Blog:

7. Ann Sieg: Ann is author of some of the most widely read books in the world on how to get new customers and prospects to come to you. Her team helps traditional business owners, home based entrepreneurs and network marketers create a sustainable business model by implementing effective marketing strategies to attract prospects to them. Ann is an Attraction Marketing Author, Trainer, Speaker and Consultant.

Ann’s Blog:

8. Nate Leung: Nate Leung, owner of is an online entrepreneur who teaches entrepreneurs and business owners how increase their cash flow using basic systems, concepts, & technology to build lifelong passive and residual income. Nate’s site is one of the most high traffic sites on the internet that teaches Internet & Network Marketing, Personal Development, and Social Media. Nate lives every minute of his life filled with purpose and inspires others to pursue their dreams.

Nate’s Blog:

9. Michelle And Bill Pescosolido: Michelle is an expert trainer and speaker in the field of Facebook marketing. If you are looking for the very best strategies when it comes to marketing your home based business online using Facebook then look no further. This blog provides free Facebook marketing strategies that will teach you how to get more fans, leads, traffic and sales to your business.

Michelle’s Blog:

10. Toby And Layla Black: Toby & Layla Black over the past 4 years have not only developed a 7 figure online empire through blogging. They have built a worldwide community of online entrepreneurs dedicated to creating change in this world. You can find all of this power and more on their blog.

Tob’s Blog:

11. John Chatman: John “Blaze” Chatman started from the very bottom of the networking marketing pile literally having to downgrade his Comcast cable to get started in his opportunity. From there he has gone on to earn tens of thousands per month and even more importantly train, mentor, and develop others to do the same.

John’s Blog:

12. Randy Gage: For more than 20 years, Randy has been helping people transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling breakthroughs to achieve their dreams. He has been called “the Millionaire Messiah” because he believes that you are meant to be rich, and it is a sin to be poor! A former high school dropout, Randy rose from a dishwasher to become a multi-millionaire. This astonishing journey provides the foundation for the principles he teaches to help empower people to their own prosperity. Today he is recognized as one of the world’s preeminent experts on prosperity. Randy’s blog radiates with his success mindset and prosperity vision.

Randy’s Blog:

13. Todd Falcone: Todd is an internationally recognized speaker and trainer, whose focus is on teaching network marketing and direct sales professionals how to better perform in their businesses. With over 20 years of successful experience in the field of network marketing, Todd knows exactly what it takes to make it in network marketing. His blog is packed with free training and leadership that you can take straight to the bank.

Todd’s Blog:

14. Diane Hochman: Diane Hochman is a 14 year industry veteran who began as a housewife looking for a way to pay off over $40k in credit card debt. She made her first mark in traditional Network Marketing becoming a top producer and trainer and then turned to mail order and direct response to won trips and contests galore while bringing up her two daughters. In 2005 upon the dawn of social media Diane turned to the internet and become very well known as a top video marketer and promoter and out of that her career in training, speaking and consulting began. A sought after speaker in the areas of social media marketing, attraction marketing and branding…Diane travels around teaching skills to hungry marketers in both North America and Europe while at the same time dominating product launches all over the industry.

Diane’s Blog:

15. Lorraine McNulty: The aim of Lorraine McNulty’s Build A Blog is to help you get the most out of your blog. It contains ‘how-to’ tips and advice on online marketing & the technical aspects of blogging. These include tips on everything from setting up auto-responders to how to make your blog look stylish and stand out from the rest. Lorraine McNulty has been a web designer for over 20 years & has won multiple awards. The native Brit now calls Canada home. She plays the saxophone, hockey and golf equally badly.

Lorraine’s Blog:

16. Robert Strong: Robert Strong was a fed up retail store manager that worked 70+ hours a week, kissed his wife good bye on November 1st and told her that he would see her in January! Retail hours are gruesome, he knew that there had to be something else out there! After searching high and low, and a couple years of tears, frustration and almost giving up he invested in the Pro Blog Academy, and the rest is history….He has been brought up on stage at No Excuses and even by Ray Higdon at Top Earners Academy.

Robert’s Blog:

17. Beth Hewitt: Blogging since 2009, Beth Hewitt is passionate about blogging, personal development, marketing and helping others succeed. In 2012 Beth founded the Simple Blogging Network because she was tired of seeing intelligent, talented bloggers getting disillusioned and frustrated because they never made a dime online. Beth hosts a 30 day blogging challenges every quarter and has helped 100s of bloggers to drive more traffic, get more social proof, more recognition and to make more money online.

Beth’s Blog:

18. Mark Januszewski: This blog contains more VALUABLE content that any other Network Marketing blog on the internet. More free skills that anyone will ever need and they run free courses. Life changing courses. This is the ONLY real deal for network marketers on the internet.

Mark’s Blog:

19. Agnes Knowles: Agnes Knowles is a mid-age woman who thought she had her retirement in the bag. The economy tanked in 2008, immediately after she had given up a career, a home and a life to move and take care of her aging mother in another town. After Plan A, Plan B and Plan C unraveled she went on-line and there has been no looking back. Agnes now coaches other women to take charge of their own financial futures and not rely on government or big business to decide what their retirement income might look like.

Agnes’s Blog:

20. Josh Garcia: Josh is someone who ran several businesses from real estate to online business. Today he runs multiple online businesses. When someone ask him what kind of business should I start ? He only speaks about online business since it takes a very low budget or risk to start one.

Josh’s Blog:

21. Dean Black: Mary and Dean are entrepreneurs from Atlanta Georgia. After Dean tried to recruit Mary into his primary company in 2009 they hit it off and soon married and are now both involved in building their MLM Business. They use their Mary and Dean Unleashed blog to communicate their message of Livin’ The Dream as A Team. Their blog is full of valuable information for anyone from beginners to veterans. Come by to learn marketing strategies, mindset strategies and learn all the other tools you will need.

Dean’s Blog:

22. Michael Pearce: Michael Gene Pearce is completely different from all the other MLM Blogs. He has broken with tradition he does not talk about Get Rich Quick, or Promote This ? He Just tells a great story from His Heart

It seams like selling you his product or Joining his Growing Business Support team is secondary to the message. ‘If you want to feel Young and Health”‘ you might want to learn. How He Survived A Widow Maker Heart Attack at 46. He’ll tell you that the “Fountain of Youth” he found can Heal.

Michael’s Blog:

23. Ty Tribble: Ty Tribble is an Internet entrepreneur and Work At Home Dad who lives in Federal Way, Washington with his wife, Richelle and two children, Emma and Tyler. Ty has been featured in Entrepreneur and Success From Home magazine and is considered by many as the # 1 blogger in the world on the subject of Network Marketing. Ty has created tens of thousands leads on the Internet by using blogging, social media and web 2.0 and loves to train others to match his online success.

Ty’s Blog:

24. Anton Amoto: Anton provides massive value on his blog and helps internet network marketers and would-be entrepreneurs to get off the ground of their business and make more money by using the Internet to build their own full time income from home. His strategy helps hundreds of people made their first income online. Why should you continue doing with your strategy that don’t really get better results ? Anton’s blog can help in getting tons of traffic, generate more leads, and more sales to your website.

Anton’s Blog:

25: Marsha Godwin: Marsha Godwin started to teach other network marketers how to move their MLM Online. After becoming tired of chasing friends and family members and attending numerous hotel meetings, Marsha turned to the internet and Attraction Marketing. Once she saw the power of blogging she became committed to learning how to build a successful business online and to teach others how to do the same! Today she is a blogger, coach, product creator & trainer for one of the industry leaders.

Marsh’s Blog:

26. Richard Matharoo: Richard is a previously stressed out Dad, husband & rat race worker hit hard by the recession. He’d given way too much into a life of pressure, long working hours and missing out…he looked for and found a solution. In his first 5 months in MLM he earned £14377, a place on the MLSP leader board & became his company’s 5th best recruiter, all with no previous experience. Now full time in MLM his blog is packed full of useful content on exactly how real people can go from MLM Zero’s to Hero’s.

Richard’s Blog:

27. Mavis Nong: Mavis Nong created her blog to help others build successful businesses online. She shares fundamental, effective and cutting-edge strategies and tips they can implement right away to grow their businesses. She also shares mind-blowing blogging tips to help others build amazing and money making blogs fast! Mavis went from knowing nothing about blogging to becoming a highly sought after blogging expert, raking in the cash using her very own blog, in less than 8 months.

Mavis’s Blog:

28. Cesar L Rodriguez: Cesar L. Rodriguez is an 11yr Direct Sales & MLM Veteran. This past year he was voted the #2 Speaker at the No Excuses Summit 3 by attendees & his hard hitting no-nonsense no-fluff content delivery style, along with his constant comedic jokes & banter make him one of the most entertaining leaders in our industry to follow. His blog is jam packed with more FREE video training than almost any leader today & his Newest Prospecting & Closing Course that he gives away to his blog visitors is INSANE.

Cesar’s Blog:

29. Nick Pratt: Nick Pratt started as an SEO Consultant a few years ago. He did this whilst struggling with offline network marketing tactics. Earlier this year, Nick started the Web Traffic Lounge Blog to help people generate more leads online. In a short space of time, the posts have received a good amount of social shares and feedback from readers. The posts have also been providing exceptional value leading to high search engine rankings: Top positions for “MLM Daily Routine” and quite a few other terms.

Nick’s Blog:

30. Jackie Ulmer: Jackie is a hard working, Work At Home Mum that has built a high six figure annual income using High Tech (Internet) and High Touch (Phone) techniques. When Jackie started her family, she was faced with the decision that people face: Should you continue with your career and leave your children in someone else’s care or do you stay home and raise them yourself? She chose the latter and still pursued her desire to create an incredible lifestyle through network marketing.

Jackie’s Blog:

31. April Marie Tucker: From Single Mom Serving Cocktails in a casino to now a Pro Blogger and Trainer Serving the Online Network Marketing Community since 2010. April Marie is a industry wide Marketing Trainer, Speaker, LifeStyle Coach, Top Recruiter, MLM Hall of famer, MLSP Master Marketer & was voted 2 X Top Blogger in the Top 50 MLM Blogs Contest

April’s Blog:

32. Eryn McCormick: Eryn McCormick is an online marketing entrepreneur, coach and award-winning blogger. She’s on a mission to “inform, inspire and ignite” people to take action to recapture their own earning power by leveraging their own skills, talents and abilities into an online business. Eryn believes learning and earning should be fun! With her background in teaching and coaching, she has a knack for breaking things down so they’re less intimidating, simple to understand and easy for anyone to implement.

Eryn’s Blog:

33. Jennifer Fong: Jennifer Fong’s blog provides direct sales companies and individual direct sellers and network marketers with the tools they need to use social media effectively for their businesses. A combination of “how to,” tools, and a look at what’s next, Jennifer provides you with the information you need to know about social media, specifically as it applies to direct sales. A former direct selling company CEO, Jennifer knows what it takes to build and lead a team, as well as the principles of any successful network marketing business: network, sell, and recruit. She helps direct sellers keep their priorities in order to use social media effectively as a business building tool.

Jennifer’s Blog:

34. Anita Levesque: Anita Levesque teaches entrepreneurs and small business owners to leverage social media like Facebook to build their online presence, attract more leads and customers to build a profitable business. Her mission is to create educational content and guide new entrepreneurs to building their Brand online by supplying them with a step by step blueprint on how to build a successful business.

Anita’s Blog:

35. Alecia Stringer: Alecia Stringer is an online lead generation expert that empowers entrepreneurs to create success dreams. She shares her expertise in blogging and video marketing to lead others to success and ease through their online marketing strategies and journey. Don’t miss this rock star girl, as she has claimed a spot in the top 50 for several years.

Alecia’s Blog:

36. Jacqueline Gates: Jacqueline Gates is an ex-opera singing, ex-network marketing, ex-South African who became a Goddess while working at Starbucks for $7 an hour. She passionately believes in the power of having a Title to Step Up to and In to, is now poised to take over the world, and the minds of young women everywhere. This blog chronicles the changes in mindset; the knee-knocking moments of doubt and every heart-stopping leap of faith in between.

Jacqueline’s Blog:

37. Jordan Schultz: Jordan Schultz has been studying and learning what it takes to achieve success in the MLM/ Network Marketing Industry in the internet age for 2 years now. He’s learned a lot of things that work and a lot of things that don’t work. His blog is a resource to let you know exactly what works and what doesn’t work to build a successful business in today’s economy with today’s technology.

Jordan’s Blog:

38. Bob Clarke: Dr. Bob Clarke is a Part Time InterNetwork Marketer who understands the struggles faced by Part Time Marketers. His posts focus on how to be more productive with limited time, leveraging your skills and other people’s resources to maximize your results, and finding the right mentors and coaches to reduce your learning curve. Dr Bob’s pillar posts on building a highly popular blog Part Time were top rated. This blog is a Go To Resource for anyone building a business Part Time.

Bob’s Blog:

39. Hale Pringle: Dr. Hale is a real giver and an educator at heart. He is on-line every day providing answers to several groups that are insightful, sometime technical and always gentle. He has been to Webinars and live events with virtually every major leader in the Internet Marketing community. Based on this training, his education and his many years in the computer industry he is uniquely qualified to help and train. From the leaders he worked with he selected Ann Sieg as his mentor and coach.

Hale’s Blog:

40. Darren Spruyt: Darren Spruyt is a network marketer from Singapore and he has been marketing his business online since 2008. However, Darren did not start off in this industry without any struggles. For 3 years, Darren did not take any action in his business as he had struggled with self-belief and how much value he could offer people. Fast forward, Darren was recently labeled as a “Dark Horse” in the magnetic sponsoring product launch and now blogs about mindset, MLM lead generation & Internet marketing.

Darren’s Blog:

41. Frank J Marino: So what does the “Blues” have to do with MLM ? Well the blues is everywhere. Everyone has the blues sometime or another! You see the Bluesman’s passion for playing the guitar is just as big as his passion for others succeeding! Playing an instrument takes time,consistency and commitment! Basically anyone and I mean anyone can learn how to play an instrument. But it takes commitment to succeed! That’s the Bluesman’s main focus! Mindset, the right training and leadership! Check out the Bluesman.

Frank’s Blog:

42. Jeff Knowles: Jeff Knowles has been studying and learning what it takes to achieve success in the MLM / Internet Marketing Industry on the internet for 3 years now. He has a technology background and uses that expertise to talk about using the internet to build your network marketing business. His blog is a resource to let you know exactly what works and what doesn’t work to build a successful business in today’s economy with today’s technology.

Jeff’s Blog:

43. Sandy Root: Sandy Root began her online career with blogging, as a tool to market her acupuncture practice. She fell in love with her online biz & has focused on success mindset, & has recently brought that focus specifically to helping others with ‘Getting Out of Debt Mindset Tips’. Schooling for acupuncture gave her a career she loved, but with that she got into massive debt. With internet marketing, she’s begun to get herself on the road to debt-free and has a passion to help others do the same.

Sandy’s Blog:

44. Ruth Alade: Ruth Alade has been marketing online since 2011. She is a stay at home mum and her goal is to help other mums, dads or anyone who wants to be free, escape the rat race. She offers help and direction on a variety of marketing strategies like lead generation, blogging and social media that will help any budding entrepreneur become a better marketer.

Ruth’s Blog:

45. Jeff McGeary: Jeff McGeary, aka “Tall Jeff,” was living the comfortable Corporate America life until a call one afternoon in 2010: “Your services are no longer needed.” A six-figure salary to zero in 30 seconds flat! Later, while sitting in a mall parking lot, he was introduced to network marketing. He got to work and built a successful “Plan B” with one word in mind: FREEDOM. Jeff now teaches, blogs and coaches others to achieve their own freedom and abundance. He is a proud Army Reserve Officer.

Jeff’s Blog:

46. Joe Barclay: Joe Barclay teaches everyday people how to create financial freedom by developing multiple streams of income through network marketing and affiliate marketing. Joe has been in the network marketing industry for over 20 years, the last 10 on a full-time basis. His blog provides generic training on everything from attraction marketing and massive lead generation to effective follow up and recruiting. Joe’s training motto is “Take the fast track to success by copying what works.”

Joe’s Blog:

47. Carlos Aponte JR: If you have been on the internet for any time you may have come across the name Carlos Aponte Jr. Carlos is an experienced serial marketer who has been making his mark in the network and internet marketing industry for about 20 years. As a very successful six figure plus income earner, the founder of MassiveLifestyle Inc, and the Make It Happen video Newsletter and training site, Carlos keeps it Real and will help you win in business and in life.

Carlos’s Blog:

48. Joseph Montes: Joseph Montes is a Social Media Marketing Specialist, skilled and deeply experienced with the use of social channels for business in order to drive increased consumer engagement, brand awareness, and sales. The majority of his career has been spent in social media marketing. Social channels such as Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and WordPress have emerged as primary communication channels and key marketing platforms, Joseph provide strategic and tactical help.

Joseph’s Blog:

49. Aurore Jones: French born Aurore Jones is a successful online network marketer who lives in the UK with her family. Co-founder of the Mastermind Fever Group, she runs a thriving Facebook group, where the participants get challenge to step up their game by hosting their first hangouts. She won a ticket to the NES4, came #9 at the 2012 Top 50 MLM blogs, came 2nd for the Traffic Playbook referral contest, appears regularly on the MLSP leaderboard and was featured in Jessica Higdon’s last webinar.

Aurore’s Blog:

50. Nicky Price: Nicky Price was a stifled entrepreneur until after her second child when she finally realised she was never meant to be cooped up in an office. With a few false starts and a painful transition to online marketing Nicky made it her goal for her blog to be a safe haven from hype and information overload by creating an Internet and Network marketing blog packed full of useful, factual information and proven marketing strategies where she is often known to unleash her sense of humour too.

Nicky’s Blog:

51. David Wood: This blog is maintained by David Wood, one of the developers of globally known Empower network himself. He post articles about network management and personal mindset and about business strategies through this site.He is the #1 producer inside a largest marketing system ,and he was a #1 recruiter in his MLM company in the year 2010.

David’s Blog:

52. Michael Dunlap: Michael Dunlap is the owner of the website. it was launched in the year 2009.This website helps internet entrepreneurs for both beginners and experienced. He gets good traffic to his site and help others by giving effective tips for getting more traffic to their sites.This is a helpful blogs for the entrepreneurs.

Michael’s Blog:

53. Tracey Walker: This MLM blog is written and maintained by by Tracey Walker. She is a big player in the industry. She was in the list top 10 producer of all-time in the system as well as the #1 Female Recruiter Of All-Time for the system. Tracey’s web blog has virtually adult into a thought resource for network marketers longing for success methods and tips about building their businesses online.

Tracey’s Blog:

54. Jelena Ostrovska: Jelena Ostrovska has only been blogging a few years, but she is already a top MLM leader. In 2013, Instead of starting the tedious application process to start college, Jelena started network marketing instead. She hasn’t looked back.

Jelena’s Blog:

55. Simon W. Chan: Simon Chan is American Chinese living in Los Angeles. He struggled with network marketing before landing a big break. He then went on to become the fastest rising distributor in North america in his company. He now has a no b.s. podcast called MLM Nation. He is very blunt and to-the-point, which is like having an older brother in MLM with you, which is fine by me.

Simon’s Blog:

56. Michael S. Clouse: Michael S. Clouse is a veteran network marketer and trainer with over 30 years experience. He has been on the speaker circuit since the 80’s and has created large organizations in MLM, and has written over 50 publications on Direct Sales. Within six months in network marketing, Michael was able to cover the car payment.

Michael’s Blog:

56. Julia Mann: Having more time than paycheck at the end of the month, and trying many different vocations, Julia Mann realized she wasn’t achieving her dreams working for somebody else. Within four months, Julia was rising up the ranks in network marketing. Now, she gives free training and Facebook prospecting techniques.

Julia’s Blog:

57. Terry Gremaux: Terry and Felicia Gremaux are full-time network marketers who help people become network marketers by just using social media and a blog. Terry has won a company car and has shared the stage with Ray Higdon. He earns over $23k a month and wants to help you too.

Terry’s Blog:

58. Barbara Charles: Barbara Charles has been blogging for over four years and has a Master’s in Computer Systems Information. She uses her skills to help other Entrepreneurs work online. She provides people a “Shorter Path” to success.

Barbara’s Blog:

59. Matt Morris: Matt Morris is the author of the infamous book, “The Unemployed Millionaire.” He is also one of the top producers in Direct sales with over 100,000 members in his downline. He regularly gives great free advice to network marketers on YouTube and travels the world speaking at MLM events.

Matt’s Blog:

60. Richard Bliss Brooke: What can I say. Richard Bliss Brooke is a38 year veteran in network marketing. He made his first million before the age of 30 and is the famous author of the The Four Year Career. He is also a senior member of the DSA and owns his own network marketing company, Life Matters.

Richard’s Blog:

61. Chuck Holmes: Chuck Holmes really has passion when it comes to blogging and network marketing. He writes a lot of content and on as many as 4 websites at a time. He’s got over 15 years experience in MLM and has worked with many great companies.

Chuck’s Blog:

62. Vineet Gupta: When surfing the internet about MLM and network marketing, articles from Vineet Gupta frequently come up. Vineet started with an IT company in New Delhi when he discovered network marketing and fell in love. He’s now been in MLM for over 5 years and helps many people around the world achieve success.

Vineet’s Blog:

63. Chris Widener: Chris Widener is a sought-after international speaker who covers network marketing on his website. He also has a system called the Invisible profit System, which helps network marketers recruit. He also has several books on Amazon and has personally been mentored by Jim Rohn.

Chris’s Blog:

64. Sarah Robbins: Sarah Robbins in a networking powerhouse. She came from being a Kindergarten teacher to multimillionaire and #1 earner in her network marketing company. Her book, Rock Your Network Marketing Business is currently #1 on Amazon under MLM/Network Marketing.

Sarah’s Blog:

65. Dereco Cherry: Dereco Cheery graduated from IT school in 2000, but that career didn’t bring him the success he wanted. He then discovered network marketing in 2006. Success again didn’t come easily for him, so he decided to learn everything he could about himself and the industry and it paid off.

Dereco’s Blog:

66. Lisa Jahred: Lisa Jahred has a powerful network marketing blog, but life for Lisa wasn’t always rosy. She used to battle traffic to get to her corporate job after saying goodbye to her kids at the daycare. She realized there was a better way and discovered affiliate marketing. She did well, but then she discovered network marketing and her life positively exploded. She now consistently wins every incentive in her current network marketing business.

Lisa’s Blog:

67. Jaye Carden: Jaye Carden began network marketing in 2012 after hearing a radio ad. He fell in love with the freedom and options MLM provided. It didn’t take long for Jaye to get into the top 2% of a 22 year old network. His blog offers various products to help network marketers, including Tube Traffic Mojo and Posting on Purpose.

Jaye’s Blog:

68. Ace And Rich: Anastacia Hauldridge and Rich Guzman are a network marketing power couple. Anastacia had been blogging since 2011 and was struggling in network marketing. Richard Guzman came into her life and showed her how he had made $90,000 in five months in MLM. It was a match made in Heaven literally. Ace was down to 68 pounds and was dying before she was saved by Jesus and completely healed within a year. Wow!

Ace’s Blog:

69. Bonnie Cribbs: Bonnie Cribbs had a successful 28 year career in Corporate America before graduating onto network marketing. He truly loves helping people and his blog is full of generic advice for the network marketer.

Bonie’s Blog:

70. Jason Lee: Jason Lee is another MLM Blogger I see all over the Internet, which is a good place to be! Jason was earning a high income, over $150k+, training licensed operators at commercial nuclear plants when he realized most of his gross income was devoured by taxes. A couple network marketing leaders taught him the tax advantages of being a home based Entrepreneur and the rest is history.

Jason’s Blog:

71. Lynda Kenny: Lynda was at one time a struggling single parent. She became a social worker and retired in 2006. With selling her company’s shares, she and her husband acquired two homes, one in England and one in Portugal. She now teaches retirees and everyone else how to retire wealthy.

Lynda’s Blog:

72. Justin Bryant: Justin Bryant wanted more out of life. He was at a crossroads when he graduated high school. He had to decide whether to spend tons of money on college or work with his dad as an electrician’s apprentice. After a year doing that, he sat in on a webinar about network marketing and was hooked. He had always loved writing and began blogging every day. Now he recruits 15 people a day into his business.

Justin’s Blog:

73. Susan Sly: Susan Sly is a Balanced Living Expert who began as a network marketer. She is an author, speaker and author who has written the highly acclaimed book, Women Having It All. She has been featured on CNN, ABC, Family, and CNBC. She has also appeared alongside Robert Kiyosaki in Eric Worre’s movie about network marketing, Rise.

Susan’s Blog:

74. Dale Calvert: Dale Calvert is a master network marketing mentor and trainer. He started network marketing when he was 20 and within four years he had 60,000 distributors and sold $120 million worth of product. He created a duplicate system his fourth year, which catapulted him to success. Now, he has a system for anyone who wants to succeed in MLM.

Dale’s Blog:

75. Jon R. Patrick: Jon R. Patrick is the “Beach Shirt Networker.” Jon is a Civil Engineer who struggled a long time trying to create a home-based business. Now, he has a system to shorten the learning curve for anyone interested in becoming successful in MLM.

Jon’s Blog:

76: Elliott Kosmicki: Elliott Kosmicki is a father of two living in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife. He is a User Experience Director for an ecommerce company and began his network marketing career in 2014.

Elliot’s Blog:

77. Malia Holleron: Malia Holleron felt something was missing with every job she pursued. Her entrance into internet marketing began by helping Entrepreneurs create their profiles and fan pages on Facebook. She’s now been successfully self-employed for four and a half years. She believes in self-development through platforms such as MLSP. She focuses helping other women achieve success online.

Malia’s Blog:

78. April O’ Leary: April O’Leary has been an internet marketer since 2010. She is the author of two books and started the University of Moms in 2012 to help moms take better care of themselves. She and her husband and three daughters live in Naples, Florida.

April’s Blog:

79. John E. Engle: John E. Engle is another MLM Blogger who dominates the first pages of Google with network marketing articles. His website covers many topics, including blogging, how to create infographics, social media and you can even apply to guest post on his site.

John’s Blog:

80. Tim Alwell: Tim Alwell was depressed right before graduating college with a degree in Finance. He did everything he could to become an Entrepreneur online, even playing poker until the feds shut it down. Now, he helps potential Entrepreneurs get started online by writing useful tips on his blog.

Tim’s Blog:

81. Jessica Higdon: Jessica Higdon is the creator of the very successful 10k Social Media Recruiting Formula. Her blog details testimonials of the great results her clients have had recruiting locally with Facebook. At one time, she had to work at Nordstroms until her husband, Ray Higdon, launched his MLM business successfully, and you might know where that got them.

Jessica’s Blog:

82. Erik Christian Johnson: Hey wait, this is me! I created this Blog February 2014, but didn’t start blogging seriously until September 2015. I was excited that I could finally meld my passion for writing with MLM through this website. Thanks for reading this article and if you are looking for a home based business opportunity, visit my Work with Erik Page.

Erik’s Blog:

83. Matt Remorino: Matt Remorino went from Branch Manager to full-time network marketer within five years. Network marketing came to Matt just before he hemorrhaged from debt. He said it’s much easier today to do network marketing because systems can be duplicated online easier. His blog is also motivational and Jim Rohn inspired.

Matt’s Blog:

84. Matt Zavadil: At one point, Matt Zavadil was near bankruptcy and had to try and explain to his wife why they weren’t achieving their dreams. Now, Matt helps people who want to become online successes. He is all about firing the “Boss.”

Matt’s Blog:

85. Lucy Bieri: Lucy Bieri has been a successful network marketing specialist since 2010. Her MLM blog has many resources for people interested in network marketing.

Lucy’s Blog:

86. Lisa Torres Allen: Lisa Torres Allen is a fighter. She and her family struggled to make ends meat in a tight Bronx apartment. Lisa spent three hours on the express train everyday to work as a new accounts officer at a Canadian bank in NYC, but hated every minute of it. She had also been in network marketing for 18 years but could never break through the financial barrier that her money blueprint dictated, until she got a mentor. Luckily, she got laid off from her job and got unemployment for two years. Instead of going back to work after two years, she launched successfully full-time into network marketing. Now, she helps others achieve their dream.

Lisa’s Blog:

87. Melodie Kantner: Melodie Kantner has been in network marketing for over 20 years. She specializes in EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is a type of psychological acupressure which entails tapping on certain acupuncture points. She also helps network marketers with self-esteem issues. Her blog is very informative with a soothing, nurturing feeling.

Melodie’s Blog:

88. John Melton: John Melton began network marketing in his early 20’s. The company unfortunately went out of business, but the mentoring and self-development he learned in that network marketing company led him to be a top producer in the mortgage industry, earning $250k a year. Unfortunately, the Mortgage industry collapsed, but John had a love for network marketing and went back and dominated. He now helps others achieve success in this exciting profession.

John’s Blog:

89. Christopher Hussey: Christopher Hussey is a power-hitting speaker who has been a Marine to a top couples dancer to a network marketer and affiliate marketer. His blog/website gives great tips and techniques on how to generate Leads, use social media effectively and create a successful brand.

Christopher’s Blog:

90. Kathleen Deggelman: After being in Corporate America for 20 years, Kathleen Deggelman discovered network marketing and fell in love with the idea of being her own boss. In her first 4 years, Kathleen created an organization of 70,000 distributors and went on to be the only woman to do that in her company. Now, she helps others succeed as well.

Kathleen’s Blog:

91. John Haremza: Over the last 25 years, John has helped his teams earn over $200 million in commissions and has made $14 million himself in network marketing. He just authored a new book which is on Amazon, which I just read, entitled, Right or Almost Right.

John’s Blog:

92. Tim Sales: Tim Sales is one of the most famous MLM Trainers in the world. He has created many systems to help people generate Leads, including Brilliant Compensation and Professional Presenter. His blog is offers top-notch professional training.

Tim’s Blog:

93. Ron Gelok: At the age of 18, Ron Gelok created a successful real estate investment company, but real estate plummeted shortly after. He had already received his Bachelor’s and decided to go back to school. in the middle of this he decided to create a plan B, which was network marketing. Eventually plan B became plan A and he excelled. Ron is ultimately fulfilled by helping others succeed.

Ron’s Blog:

94. Nadya Melton: Nadya Melton has built a very successful online business with 9 sources of income, but it wasn’t always this easy. Nadya felt like she was constantly chasing people to join her business. She decided to brand herself instead of her MLM company and that eventually freed her. People began to seek her out. Now, she and her husband, John Melton, are top earners in several industries.

Nadya’s Blog:

95. Madra Jones: Madra Jones is a single mother of three, former salon owner and esthetician, now verified seven-figure earner in network marketing. She is opinionated, ambitious, strong-willed and is on a mission to empower others to be the same.

Madra’s Blog:

96. Casmire Okafor: Casmire Okafore is from Lagos State, Nigeria. He became an apprentice for a clothing store and awaited the payoff. To his shock, the store owner sold the shop and left the country. Casmire was left with nothing until a man presented him with a network marketing opportunity. Things were great until Casmire’s downline started leaving. He then found a mentor and rebuilt his business. Now, he wants to help others succeed as well.

Casmire’s Blog:

97. Tom Leonard: Tom Leonard got his MBA in Direct Marketing and had the fortune to work with AOL, Netflix and Warner Brothers. Tom is into social media marketing and team building. He is looking for A-Team type people for his business.

Tom’s Blog:

98. Rich Miller: Rich Miller is from Germany and served 8 years in the military. He searched for the American dream and started selling Plymouths and Yugos. The dealership was sold after 20 years and Rich was in a vulnerable position. He never wanted that instability for his family again. He discovered MLSP and things took off from there.

Rich’s Blog:

99. Louis Luwe: Louis Luwe believes in leveraging the power of the Internet to build his network marketing business. He gets tons of leads online without chasing anyone and he wants to show you how to do the same.

Louis’s Blog:

100. Josh Parker: Josh Parker comes from Wisconsin and is a father of three. He has been doing network marketing and online marketing for four years. He loves the freedom and lifestyle being an internet Entrepreneur brings.

Josh’s Blog:

Others MLM Blogger Who Should Deserve:
(Must Be In Top100 OR Top50)

1. Phillip Caillavet: Just four years ago, Phillip Caillavet was working 80+ hours a week at a job. He said to himself that there’s a better way. He discovered network marketing. He didn’t take it seriously for the first two years, then things shifted and he took off with it.

Phillip’s Blog:

2. Robert Minarich: Robert Minarich comes from a small town in Oregon. He discovered network marketing in his second year at college. He ran with it for the first five years the hard way. Then, he discovered internet marketing and it made MLM so much easier. The internet was still a confusing place and he still struggled until everything changed when he seeked out a mentor.

Robert’s Blog:

3. Elizabeth Oliva: Elizabeth Oliva has always had an Entrepreneurial spirit since her father was one. She had her own business shortly after becoming an adult. But, she still felt enslaved by the traditional business. She discovered network marketing in 2003. She struggled for years with her husband watching with concern. Things dramatically changed for Elizabeth when she became coachable. She now dominates MLSP and helps others as well.

Elizabeth’s Blog:

4. Jasson J. Torres: Jason Torres is a Career Soldier in the Army and Direct Sales leader. Jason is continually adding value to the marketplace and getting out there. He is devoted to the home-based business profession and is seeking like-minded individuals.

Jasson’s Blog:

5. Bob Heilig: Bob Heilig’s first year in network marketing was horrible. He only brought in one distributor because he paid the guy. He decided no more MLM, but after 6 unfulfilling years in Medical Sales, Bob Heilig decided to try network marketing, again. This time, something changed, and Bob brought in 300 people and made a million dollars. He now shortens the learning curve for anyone in network marketing by his “Virtual Upline” system.

Bob’s Blog:

6. Mark Klanac: Mark Klanac was starting to hate doing Sales. But, reality struck with the birth of his first son. He had to work, but tried doing network marketing on the side. One day, he realized that a product he loved using had a network marketing business component to it and the light went off in his head. He dove back into network marketing and the rest is history.

Mark’s Blog:

Top Bloggers Who Deserve A Mention:

Original Source: Top 100 MLM Blogs In The World

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