Management — Hire the right people for your team

Fernanda Rodriguez
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2018

This topic isn’t related specifically to the Product managers, but I developed this skill in my current job, as a product manager in an international group.

I decided to talk about it because in my last experiences as a recruiter or candidate I had some bad experiences and the advices below can improve both experiences.

Check it out:

1.Define a process

You should create steps in the beginning and set a timebox for it to keep clear to everyone involved in the process.

1) Resume analysis,
2) Telephone interview to check the skills and level,
3) Test,
4) Presentation and
5) Cultural interview

Every step need to be a definition of a result.

2. Organize the process

Add every step in the Trello and share with the HR team, move the card to the next steps and add your comments about it to keep everyone in line about the candidate status.

Write in simples words for everyone understand your point of view and
Avoid technical wordings and salary information.

3. Candidate score

I created an interview script with questions related to the candidate requirements, this can help yourself to measure and compare the candidates. Also, this can help you share your analysis about every candidate internally and help the HR to send the feedback to all candidates.

Below a simple example:

Bad=1 to 5 = excellent

‘- Sketch [5]
‘- Google Analytics [3]

Soft skills
‘- Communication Skills [3]

4. Cultural Fit Interview

This is an important part of the assessment process and to hire the right people.

We invited every member of the team to “interview” the candidate and open our team to receive questions like a interview as well from the candidate.
The technical skill is not enough to have success in the company, relationship and sinergy is an important part of the “magic”. The goal here is to check the personal skills and fit with the group.

Some question that we usually ask to the candidate.

Why did you start in this role?
How are you keeping updated in your area?
What do you want to find in this team?

Hope I have helped you!



