Reflections on our first Shopify Unite

richard sandor
iamota insights
Published in
6 min readJul 9, 2019
Keynote by Harley Finkelstein at Shopify Unite 2019

Something big happened in Toronto this June.

Yes, the Raptors won it all and brought a rare joyous vibe to the streets.

And four folks from iamota joined 1,800 others to take part in the fourth annual Shopify Unite.

Unite is where Shopify Agency and Technology partners gather from around the world to hear firsthand platform announcements, participate in breakouts, tech sessions, panel discussions and connect over lunch, happy hour drinks and more. There are no merchants attending.

It was an amazing, jam-packed 4 days.

There are many official and unofficial summaries of what was announced, so we wanted to share our thoughts on our Unite experience.

Cole and Zara in deep Shopify Plus Plus thoughts

Cole Brown, Front End Lead

What was your highlight from Unite?

I was thrilled to hear about Sections coming soon to every template. For our merchants, we’ve seen an increased desire to share more personalized content throughout the purchasing journey, and Sections everywhere will help our merchants achieve that for their brands.

Who was someone interesting you met or connected with?

I had the pleasure of speaking with Lou Pan, Dan Keebler, and Zeqing Hong from Corra, a Shopify Plus agency partner out of New York. Speaking with others who work in this space is always an opportunity to learn more, and the Corra team was open in sharing how they’ve worked through shared challenges with levity and compassion for their client’s needs. The team was engaged, knowledgeable, and were friendly faces everywhere we went for the rest of the conference — and Zeqing has a laugh that lights up a room. See you folks next year!

What would be your advice to a Shopify Unite first timer?

Come well-rested and ready to talk, talk, and talk some more! The people we met at Unite all had interesting perspectives and valuable insights into Shopify, app & agency partners, and commerce in general. To take full advantage of the extremely collaborative, friendly, and knowledgeable people and teams at Unite, be prepared to step outside your introvert bubble to make some new, inspiring connections!

Any predictions for a Shopify Unite 2020 announcement/release?

Wholesale channels for B2B sales. Features that support Wholesale seem to be slowly trickling out, so I’d bet this becomes an announcement for next year.

Pete Smyth, CEO

What was your highlight from Unite?

Of the many conferences I have attended over the years, Shopify Unite was by far the most collaborative, positive and practical. While many other partner conferences tend to be endless sales pitches for platforms and apps, Unite provided education across the partner ecosystem that will help everyone deliver increased success for merchants on the platform. Unite was another proof point that merchant success is where we all need to focus our energy, so we can “all” succeed in the e-commerce space.

Who was someone interesting you met or connected with?

Meeting Kevin Wild from Bold Commerce in person for the first time! He was able to share the groundbreaking work they recently completed with Staples Canada and it was truly energizing. The work Kevin’s team has done is a great example of the potential for innovation for all of us within the Shopify ecosystem.

What would be your advice to a Shopify Unite first timer?

Given so many “qualified” attendees and a packed schedule with multiple Happy Hours to choose from, plan and book “short” meetings/chats before you arrive. There are so many great people to meet, but be sure to set aside time for your must-have chats to make the most of Unite.

Any predictions for a Shopify Unite 2020 announcement/release?

Lynsey Thornton will swear more than once while on stage :-) On a more serious front, I think B2B will need to be addressed, given the market traction and growth expectations for Shopify Plus.

We managed to see and meet up in three nearby Shopify Toronto offices. photo: Eddie Hsieh

Richard Sandor, CSO

What was your highlight from Unite?

The first morning of platform announcements. One big announcement after another. They just kept coming and coming. And Cole (our F/E Lead) was whooping it up like she was front row at a concert.

Who was someone interesting you met or connected with?

It was lovely to get some face time with the good people at ReCharge. We share a common client and are truly focused on the common goal of merchant success. Speaking more to Rob Barr, I can’t believe his travel schedule — yikes!

What would be your advice to a Shopify Unite first timer?

Shopify is pretty strict with who from Shopify attends the actual sessions so if you are from out of town make sure to reach out to your Shopify contacts to set up meetings in and around Unite.

And. At times it wasn’t clear if a session was more agency or app partner focussed. To get the most out of your time, sit near the back and if a session isn’t hitting it, move to another one.

Any predictions for a Shopify Unite 2020 announcement/release?

With the expansion into fulfillment network in the US (and one would have to assume globally over time), will Shopify branch out and provide some help to entrepreneurs in terms of traffic acquisition or discovery so that they aren’t handcuffed to the Facebook and Google duopoly for traffic.

Tobi — such a considered thinker and speaker

Zara Kwok, Director of Delivery

What was your highlight from Unite?

My personal highlight was my “first” “first-hand” experience watching Tobi’s live on-stage interview. From every podcast I’ve listened to Tobi speak on (and there have been many), he always manages to give an answer that somewhat surprises me, providing a thought-provoking take on any given question, situation or experience. Unite was certainly no exception.

Who was someone interesting you met or connected with?

To set the scene… it was the Unite after-party at Rebel nightclub in Toronto, and I was on the outside patio undertaking a midnight game of table tennis when I struck up a conversation with Hai-Long Nguyen. Hai-Long heads up the systems integration team at Diff, a fellow Shopify Plus agency and we were soon excitedly talking about the ways in which we might be able to learn from each other and work together.

One of the great things about the Shopify partner network is the sense of collaboration and openness in the community, and this is shone through in everyone I met at Unite.

What would be your advice to a Shopify Unite first timer?

The Unite App is a great way to see what workshops, panel discussions and lightning talks are going on to build out your schedule in advance. But following what are bound to be some exciting surprise announcements on day one, be sure to check back in to see if anything shiny and new has been added that is a must to attend!

Any predictions for a Shopify Unite 2020 announcement/release?

If you hadn’t already heard, one of the key 2019 announcements was Shopify jumping into the fulfillment space with a desire to lower costs and increase accessibility. With the pilot starting in the US, I would prepare yourselves for a worldwide leap towards international fulfillment in 2020.

Overall, Shopify Unite 2019 exceeded our expectations — which were pretty high.

We’re more stoked than ever to be part of the Shopify Plus ecosystem. The community is full of forward-thinking, generous people who truly come together to drive merchant success.

See you next year!

