IAMX and Telecommunications Companies

Vince Vaughn
IAMX Own Your Identity
4 min readAug 3, 2022

Most legitimate blockchain projects intend to accomplish something great. The project leadership boldly touts purpose and vision with a robust timeline outlining how they intend to carry out their big plans. The project’s communities are filled with bullish investors and token holders who come together on the shared hype and hope that the project will be the “next big thing.” However, the unspoken question on the minds of most is “can these guys actually DO what they say they will do?”

Think about it — there are currently over 19,000 active crypto projects in existence. How many of these projects have actually completed their timeline with fully developed platforms or functionality? How many are even close to doing what they say they will do?

This is one of the many areas where IAMX is unique. While IAMX is still very new with development underway, our established relationship and experience within the telecommunications industry gives us a significant leap forward already in accomplishing our vision of enabling all to own, control, and profit from their digital identity.

🤝IAMX’s Relationship with Telecoms

IAMX’s senior leadership are former executives within the telecommunications industry and know the business of telecoms inside and out. As a result, IAMX has established partnerships and business relationships with the largest telecoms that currently service billions of customers — all of whom have pre-authenticated digital identities. This means that IAMX’s potential market reach is significant. These partnerships are not a future timeline deliverable — they are already in place.

☎Why IAMX Needs Telecoms

There are just a few industries with millions (or even billions) of retail customers that are required to have a pre-authenticated identity. Banking, education, insurance, and telecommunications are among the most prevalent. Unfortunately, most of these industries do not yet trust blockchain technologies or crypto in general. However, telecommunications companies are unique in that they see the great potential of the blockchain and the value it can bring to their services and customers. One of those benefits is SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity), which will enable their existing and prospective customers to onboard their services much easier, faster, and more securely. In addition, telecommunication companies understand that under an SSI model, they can forego the considerable cost of storing and managing the personal identifying information of potentially billions of customers. Telecoms, therefore, naturally are interested in SSI and the value it can bring to not only their customers but their bottom line.

💞Why Telecoms Need IAMX

IAMX is especially an attractive SSI solution and partnership to a telecommunications company because of our unique revenue model. In addition to the cost savings that a telecommunications company can enjoy from SSI, IAMX stands alone as the only SSI solution that delivers additional revenue streams. Today, the typical telecommunications company makes an annual net profit of approximately $6 USD per customer. IAMX adds to that profit margin by rewarding the telecommunications company as they bring affiliate customers to IAMX. For example, let’s say that AT&T partners with IAMX. As AT&T delivers a customer to IAMX, that customer is placed within the IAMX affiliate network, where they are presented with discounts on many popular products and services. When the customer takes advantage of these discounts, AT&T will receive a percentage of the one-time and lifetime commission IAMX earns from the sale. In other words, by partnering with IAMX, a telecommunications company saves money and earns money — all while their customers save money. It’s a win-win solution!


As most crypto projects that are starting out can only make promises on what they hope to accomplish, IAMX is already far ahead by partnering with major telecommunications companies that give us an established and VERY expansive customer reach. In short, we provide investors and token holders with much more than hope and hype — we provide real progress right now with our established customer reach through our valued partnerships with leading telecommunications companies.

In future articles, we will share more about these partnerships and the affiliate program mentioned in this article.

About IAMX

IAMX is a token-based self-sovereign identity (SSI) and authentication system, enabling 1Click-Fulfillment transactions that are legally binding on a nation state level.

IAMX provides the first-ever SSI solution to financially incentivize and reward the consumer each time they use their identity online. With IAMX individuals can seamlessly and effortlessly move across all websites, web services, and mobile apps that require account creation, logins, or authentication without tedious and time-consuming form-filling. This identity service is provided free to all consumers through biometric identity and pre-authenticated verifiable credential set containers trusted by the verifier, owned and controlled by the holder.

The long-term goal of IAMX is to enable more than 1,4 billion individuals — who have no state-recognized identity — to create and own their identity in order to be able to access e-commerce and financial services so as to lift themselves out of poverty.



