IAMX - Own Your Identity
IAMX Own Your Identity
4 min readJun 23, 2022


IAMX — Bringing Identity to a Billion People

Over 1 billion people in the world today have no legal identity — no birth certificate, no driver’s license, no passport, no ability whatsoever to prove they exist. While “staying off the grid” may sound like a desirable goal to some, having no identity severely limits a person’s ability in today’s world to exist outside of abject poverty.

The Problem of No Identity

Think about it — most of us living in developed nations enjoy many freedoms, including the right to vote, open a bank account, borrow funds, start a business, drive a car, all because we can prove who we are. Without a legal identity a person has extremely limited access to:

  • Financial services
  • E-commerce
  • Quality healthcare and health insurance
  • Education
  • Own property (home, land)
  • Have a cell phone with an affordable monthly plan
  • Voting and e-government services
  • Obtain quality and sustainable employment
  • Travel and mobility

The situation is worse for those individuals and families who were forced to flee their homes due to wars, persecutions, or disaster in recent years. Without an identity — or even with a paper identity document in hand that are easily lost or destroyed — these people cannot successfully claim refugee status. When separated from their families, these individuals have no method to locate and be reunited with their families who may also not have an identity.

The majority of the 1 billion without an identity live in extreme poverty in India and Africa. Not having an identity limits a person from participating in most markets and services available within the modern world. As a result, these people will most certainly remain in poverty as they can only obtain employment in jobs dealing in under-the-table cash payouts, which are typically very low-paying jobs. Further, with no access to education and financial services, those without identities have few options

The United Nations is aware of this crippling plight and has vowed to work with national governments to ensure that every human being has an identity — including birth registration — by 2030. While progress is being made, some countries are short-sighted and resist investing their limited budgets towards this initiative. Thus, the UN acknowledges the important role of the private sector to step in and assist.

The IAMX Solution
IAMX is answering the call by pioneering the world’s first Self-Sovereign Identity solution that complies with the world’s strictest security standards (including GDPR), and that rewards individuals when they use their identity during financial transactions. What’s more, IAMX is partnering with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to ensure maximum operability, usability, and adoption.

In addition to providing the most innovative SSI solution, IAMX has plans to place physical self-service identity terminals or kiosks in those countries and cities with the greatest need. These terminals will enable people to create and edit their digital identity that they can then store in their digital wallet. Currently, IAMX identity terminals are being tested in multiple cities. Additional terminals are in development to expand testing to other areas of the world. The IAMX kiosks employ biometric ID (facial recognition, iris, and fingerprint) technology that when combined with other personal identifying information can then be verified by third-party verifiers that work directly with local governments as part of the ID creation process.


IAMX is committed to playing a critical role in helping the 1 billion people in the world who do not have an identity obtain one. Even better, these identities will be digital and under the ownership and control of the individual, rather than by other parties such as big corporations, who profit from these identities.

About IAMX

IAMX is a token-based self-sovereign identity (SSI) and authentication system, enabling 1Click-Fulfillment transactions that are legally binding on the state/national level.

Our vision is to empower everyone on Earth to realize their human right to have an identity and our mission is to protect the human right of every individual to hold, control, and own their personal identity.

The Problem We are Solving

In Developing Nations 1.4 billion people have no state-recognized identity. Additionally, half of all women in low-income nations do not have an identity. Further, 237 million children under five years old, have no birth certificate. Without a legally acknowledged identity, a person cannot own assets, maintain a bank account, or participate in online consumer transactions. Without an identity, a person has no access to e-commerce or financial services. In short, without an identity, a person cannot lift themselves out of poverty.

In Developed Nations the average consumer spends 400 days of their life completing forms online. Most of these forms are redundant, asking for the same information about our identities (such as the KYC process) over and over. This leads to a massive waste of time and loss of ownership and security as the individual consumer spreads their personally identifying information across thousands of websites or services during their lifetime.


Imagine if each individual consumer enjoyed full ownership of their identity and they could use that identity seamlessly and effortlessly across all websites, web services, and mobile apps that require account creation, logins, or authentication. IAMX provides this identity service free to all consumers through biometric identity and pre-authenticated verifiable credential set containers trusted by the verifier, owned and controlled by the holder.

IAMX is the first-ever SSI solution to financially incentivize and reward the consumer each time they use their identity online.




IAMX - Own Your Identity
IAMX Own Your Identity

IAMX is the first-ever SSI solution to financially incentivize and reward the consumer each time they use their identity online.