IAMX x Mandala

Theodore Palliser
IAMX Own Your Identity
4 min readOct 27, 2022

IAMX and Mandala have partnered to forge the first metaverse where players can create characters with sovereign identity. Using IAMX Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs), character identities in the Mandala Metaverse transcend existing paradigms, allowing the holder of the DID to determine what characteristics are stored, those that can be shared, and with whom. The IAMX DID solution provides Mandala Metaverse NFTs with a wide range of utility. Combined with the Mandala storyline, they provide participants with an experience of identity creation to find a path of sovereignty, and become the hero of their own lives. Exit the Matrix. Enter the Mandala.

Both the Mandala Metaverse NFTs and the associated DID data reside in the wallet of the player, remaining entirely under their control. As the Mandala Metaverse character grows and evolves, the IAMX DID will keep track of all progress, experience, items, and more, all of which is under the authority of the holder of the DID (the player). The DID is like the memory card of early console gaming, where a memory card containing a saved game could be brought to a friend’s house and progress continued from there. Because the IAMX DID solution is resolvable on any blockchain, the player data referenced by the DID spans multiple blockchains, and with the right portability parameters, multiple metaverses. So the DID acts as a console memory card when leaving one metaverse for another, everything is stored and ready to continue wherever the player decides to go next.

Mandala uses the IAMX DID solution across multiple blockchains, including the Redemption Center of its decentralised app at enterthemandala.app. Players are also able to use their DID to access exclusive clan-related content on Mandala Discord. And for those who have read this far, some alpha: Mandala will be conducting a token event that relies on IAMX DIDs for verification sometime in the near future. Details are top secret, but word has it there will be hints in the metadata of both the Regens and Sovereigns NFT collections!

About Mandala

Mandala is a cross-media franchise that leverages and promotes the intersection of entertainment, technology and self-transformation. Manifesting across multiple platforms, users can interact with Mandala through online games, streaming, graphic novels, and social media, all of which creatively converge in the real world.

In this age of multiple media formats, devices and channels of distribution, the Mandala brand has the vision and intellectual property to provide an integrated experience, both individually and holistically. Our end goal is not only entertainment but something bigger, extending from the personal to the global.

Mandala creates a new story for our world, woven from existing mythology and contemporary culture. It exists to connect, creating an invested audience, and inviting people into the story to wake up and engage in a shift in consciousness.


About IAMX

White PaperDeck

IAMX is a token-based Self-Sovereign Identity and authentication protocol that empowers individuals with the means to own their identity. Adhering to the strictest of regulatory standards for identity protection, IAMX builds on the foundational principles of SSI to provide a robust and secure system where individuals are able to take control and manage their identity. Users of IAMX will realise significant time and cost savings through novel approaches to identity management and ecommerce transactions, like 1-click fulfilment, which are legally binding and maintain local regulatory compliance. With users in control of their identity data, time-consuming processes like Know Your Customer (KYC) or Know Your Business (KYB) become near instant, highly secure transactions.

IAMX builds upon the foundations of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), blockchain, and DIDs, enabling individuals, organisations, or any entity to prove their identity independent of external parties or centralised authorities. This way, the authenticity of anything tied to an IAMX DID can be independently confirmed by the entity holding the DID.

IAMX is at the forefront of the Web3 revolution, bringing the world’s most secure, decentralised, and user-friendly Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) solution to the Internet. Adding the layer of identity and authentication to the Internet, with IAMX you can treat the Internet like you are always logged in. Pursuant to their mission and vision, IAMX is working to solve the problem of providing an identity to the billions of people who do not currently have a state-recognised, legal identity. Using a Biometric Identity Gateway, users with or without state-level identification can create their own identity for use online, one that relies on their unique physical attributes, including their face, iris, and fingerprints.


