Twitter Space Synopsis — Urban Art & NFT Art

Nick F
IAMX Own Your Identity
4 min readDec 13, 2022


Topic for the space is Verified NFTs and NFT Identity, with a focus on Urban & NFT Art as discussed by artists, exhibitors, and collectors.

Special Guests

Flying Förtress (@FlyingFortress_) — World-famous urban artist, NFT artist, Founder of TeddyTroops

Sofia Adampour (@versegalleryNFT) — NFT gallery exhibitor, NFT Strategist, Founder of ‘verse Gallery

Tim Brückmann (@tim_iamx) — CMO & Co-Founder, IAMX

Announcement — Connecting Decentralized Identifiers with KYC

World premier technology which enables connecting a completed KYC to a DID. It is not yet in an end-user-ready state, but in Q1 of 2023 the completion of the IAMX ID wallet will bring reusable KYC to end-users. These developments bring about more kept promises by the IAMX team & roadmap, and will enable many use cases to go-live.

NFT Art & Exhibition

Chip (@ChipDapper) brings up the importance of connecting with museum exhibitors and introducing them to the art, growth, and opportunity present in the NFT space. Sofia mentions the need for educational content for artists, exhibitors, and collectors. She is meeting with major international companies to push the awareness of this technology forward through digital and physical art.

Sofia established her gallery due to a feeling of exclusion from traditional gallery systems. The ‘verse gallery is based on the philosophy of blockchain and decentralized crypto. Communities should curate rather than a select few, using more of a DAO system of decision-making.

What role do you see verified NFTs vs non-verified NFTs playing now and in the future? In the traditional art space the importance of a verified NFT is known and valued. There is immediate skepticism surrounding the identity and intentions of NFT artists, verified NFTs will open up NFT art to mass adoption.

As an exhibitor, do you focus on specific blockchains or collections? Sofia is chain-agnostic, believing that if each chain represented a country ‘verse gallery will act as something of a United Nations.

How are pieces selected? Is the focus more on 1/1 art or pfp collection pieces? Sofia is trying to create a space for everyone, to include both 1/1 & pfp collections. It is important to ensure access to the public, just as it’s important to represent and explore all different types of NFT.

Rob (@RobCardano) asks Flying Förtress (FF) about his transition into NFT art. Given FF history in graffiti art, and 20 years of using the Teddy Troop as his icon, there have been points of intersection with influences that affect his work. Transitioning to NFTs similarly represent a new step in his digital work. Views the technology as a means through which digital artists retain control over their work rather than having to give so much away for free, as happens currently outside blockchain.

What is the significance of the TeddyTroops supply 5410? Once he had joined together with the Jukebox Cowboys, the JBCBs, they would hang around in an old filthy bar. The CD selection on the jukebox in that bar, CD #54 song #10 is a German drinking song called “Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht.” This translates in English to “The Devil made the Schnaps.”

Sofia explains that within traditional art it is known that roughly 50% the art are fraudulent reproductions. Flying Fortress, a successful artist in traditional art markets, transitioning into NFTs will help shed light on this fact, and the solutions presented through identity technologies like IAMX will enable prevention.

What’s the difference between a vNFT and a DID credential? Tim explains that the vNFT, or verified NFT, includes said verification in the metadata of the NFT itself in addition to the royalty token. The DID, or decentralized identifier stores verifiable credentials. A KYC, for instance, can be stored in the container that is your DID.

What message would you have for artists and projects regarding the benefit of verifying their work?

Tim: rather than depending on marketplace verification, vNFT enables an artist to accomplish said verification independently. Verification is part of the minting process with some minting services, like nmkr.

Sofia: the verification adds another layer of security for artists and provides more autonomy and control over their work.

Flying Förtress exhibits his work alongside other major names within the traditional art market. As known as he is, there are ample instances of his work being falsified and added to merchandise globally. vNFT prevents these bootlegs from occurring similarly in this market, and enables collectors a certainty in what they’re collecting.

Sofia points out that Flying Förtress’ work within NFTs and taking part in spaces like this is worth noting and works towards the democratization of art as a whole.



Nick F
IAMX Own Your Identity

IAMX Ambassador - WMT Earth Node Alliance - Useful Human Person