How the T-block Accelerator can help you build your blockchain startup

IBC Media
IBC Media
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2020

As the host of a thriving startup ecosystem, India has nurtured over 50,000 startups that have contributed to an evolving technology space. Presently, it is turning its spotlight on startups that are building solutions with blockchain. At IBC Media, we’re passionate about enabling innovators with such opportunities and the T-block accelerator is one that will definitely help startups scale-up.

What is T-block?

The Telangana state has often been lauded for its initiatives to foster blockchain development. The T- block accelerator program is an initiative by the Govt of Telangana to incubate and accelerate startups looking to solve real-world problems by leveraging blockchain technology or with a valid blockchain use case,; in partnership with Tech Mahindra and IBC Media. However, what really sets it apart is the kind of support that it has in store for startups that register.

How T-block can help boost your startup’s growth :

Government Accreditation

Since this is an initiative by the Govt of Telangana, the startups shortlisted for the bootcamp phase of the T-block Accelerator program will receive government accreditation. This means your startup will be on the frontline for direct partnership opportunities with the government and other public sector institutions. Projects that are selected will also receive assistance in incorporating their startup.

Go-to-market Support :

Startups selected from this accelerator will also be provided with support to take their products to market from Tech Mahindra, an industry giant that is actively invested in identifying opportunities that will widen the scope of partnerships and business opportunities for these startups

Mentorship and Training:

During the accelerator, the startups will go through various stages of mentorship starting with the bootcamp week. Experts from around the country will mentor you and your team on topics like product and value proposition design, budgeting, raising investments, pitching your startup, blockchain technology support etc. After the Bootcamp week, some startups will be selected to continue to the next stage of the accelerator-based on their performance during the Bootcamp.

Blockchain District Membership

In addition to incubation space and lab facilities at the country’s first Blockchain District in Hyderabad, the startups selected to continue to stage two of the accelerator will be given first priority during the execution of any government projects in blockchain technology.

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We have curated and organised an accelerator that will be just as beneficial for startups that do get accelerated as well as those that don’t. Our lineup of mentors and schedule for their workshops will ensure that you walk away with at least a fresh perspective on the foundations for your startup or project as well as the knowledge to help maximise its potential. Apart from all the perks, this accelerator will also be an opportunity to network with many like-minded entrepreneurs.

Register here for the T Block Accelerator Program:



IBC Media
IBC Media

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