Sometimes I envy people with a lack of ideas.
Some of you can share that feeling. You know that waking-up-brain-full-throttle sensation before the first sip of coffee. During the five minutes you need to prepare a delicious, oily, bitter, and extremely dark black espresso, you’re already overwhelmed by ideas. It is a burning flame. You rush to your desktop. You open your editor and…
All gone.
The topics and the ideas are still there. But this mind-blowing opening phrase for the short story you had in mind. The “Hello” to your tribe on Medium.
The boring person would turn on the coffee maker he prepared before going to bed. He would dress in grey and light beige and sit at his desk.
A neatly crafted headline would appear on the screen. Letter by letter, like drops from a calcified faucet.
Dear readers…
Thank you for your precious time. I wish to make you smile or think.
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