Founder’s Story with Liza Boubari

IBH Media
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2021

Founder’s story is all about inspiring others through the story of an amazing entrepreneur. We highlight their history, lessons learned and what advice they would give others. This week we have Liza Boubari.

Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up?

Born and raised in the beautiful outskirts of Tehran-Iran. Being the grandchild of survivors of the Armenian Genocide and the only child in our family, I learned from an early age to honor our heritage, value family, respect elders, and believe in possibilities.

I am fluent in 3 languages.

Immigrated to the US in 1976.

How did you get started as an entrepreneur?

In 1995 I was practicing as a paralegal/assistant to attorney in a law firm of 18 attorneys where I was asked to oversee their holiday corporate party. Then few more and soon word got around, and I was busy arranging many private and executive corporate parties.

I was then hired by a prestigious restaurant to book and manage all their corporate parties — where I helped double their revenue in less than a year. Due to the overwhelming success and word of mouth, I started a part-time corporate planning business called: Yours Truly.

Five years into it and working 12–15 hours a day with hardly any weekends to myself, my body broke down. I was diagnosed with yet another ovarian cyst, carpal tunnel, having extreme anxiety and pain. The HR director of the law firm I worked for sent me to an acupuncturist. In our second session, he gave me an article about the powers of hypnotherapy and how to heal the ovarian cyst. Knowing a local hypnotherapist, I booked a session and in less than 6 sessions, I believe to have healed my ovarian cyst. Because of this phenomenon, I no longer needed to undergo the 3rd scheduled surgery.

This led me to explore the science of hypnosis at Hypnotism Training Institute with the world-famous Gil Boyne. A year later I left the law firm and founded HealWithin, a healing center for mind-body therapy in 1999.

What is one business lesson you would tell to a startup founder?

Be open to pivot to where you are led and make an impact.

A life worth living is how you impact someone else’s life — with a kind word, a caring gesture, a genuine smile, a loving touch, or simply by being the gift that you are. Stand UP for who you are!



IBH Media

Mission to impact and inspire 100 million entrepreneurs in the world. Creator of the Founder’s Story segment started on Clubhouse.