Founder’s Story with Sarah Godbout

IBH Media
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2021

Founder’s story is all about inspiring others through the
story of an amazing entrepreneur. We highlight their
history, lessons learned and what advice they would give
others. This week we have SG (Sarah Godbout)

Tell us about your childhood and where you grew up?

I was born in Toronto, Canada and was raised in Waterloo,Canada. However, Toronto is where I feel most at home. I was adopted into a large family as one of seven children. My parents were kind, caring, and hard-working. I learned strength from my mother, while my father taught me how to change a tire. Yet somehow, no one taught me how to cook! A slight oversight…no ones perfect. I was outspoken as a child and challenged the rules. At 12, I played on an all-boys football team. I was involved in sports throughout my school years. A little healthy competition is a good thing; this has served me well as an adult. Fast forward to when I was 18, I decided to search for my biological parents. The thirty-year search to find them taught me about persistence and to never give up. It is a combination of all these life experiences that have allowed me to be a confident woman both then and now.

How did you get started as an entrepreneur?

My entrepreneurial journey started early in life. At the age of two, yes two. I made a decision that I needed 25 cents. After an hour of negotiations with my eldest sister, I had my 25 cents and my first investor. While in college, I studied business management. While working as a waitress and attending college, I decided to start my own business as a manager/booking agent for local bands. It was there that I honed in how to work with different personalities and close deals. After college, I spent 20 years in corporate sales before leaving to work in the fashion industry, where I stayed for the next ten years. While I was on vacation, sitting at the beach in a split second, I knew exactly what I had to do. That was to become a confidence coach. I realized I was meant to do greater things and give back to others as so many had given to me throughout my search for my biological parents. So, I decided to resign from my career in fashion to start my own business as a confidence coach. Within three weeks, SG My Life coaching was in business. I have since written a book and contributed articles to numerous magazines.

What is one business lesson you would tell a startup founder?

Listen to yourself. Do not let others’ thoughts or beliefs stop you from achieving your goals. Keep your eye on your goals. If you fumble, and you probably will. Get up and keep going! Anything you believe you can achieve. Feel free to borrow my motto, “Doubt me; then watch me.”



IBH Media

Mission to impact and inspire 100 million entrepreneurs in the world. Creator of the Founder’s Story segment started on Clubhouse.