5 Reasons to Auto-Invest Today

With the auto-savings feature it’s now easier than ever to start investing your money the smart way.

iBillionaire Capital
4 min readMar 16, 2017


Here are 5 reasons to start an auto-investment account today:

Advice from the World’s Smartest Minds

The best part of the iBiillionaire app is that it gives you insight to the investing habits of some of the top investors in the world. With iBillionaire, you will have access to portfolios that mimic how some of the richest invest their own wealth and data from some of the most inspiring self-made billionaires in America. With strategies such as the Warren Buffet plan, or the Carl Icahn plan, you can seamlessly put aside money that takes advantage of this research from the financial elite.

Billionaire Warren Buffett (One of iBillionaire’s Investment Strategies)

Make your Money Work for you

Got some money sitting around in a dusty old savings account? It’s probably been there for a while because you don’t want to go through the effort of transferring your money and deciding which stocks or funds to invest in. With iBillionaire, all this work is done for you. The app easily connects to your existing bank account and the strategies are all pre-setup and waiting for you.

All you need to do is click: let’s go!

Get Ahead of the Game

Ever see a big deal happen and think “Ah, if only I had bought this stock 3 months ago?”. Well think like that no more — with automatic investing your savings will already be allocated to some of the biggest name stocks and so when the big news happens, you’ll be ready.

It’s like investing in Apple 10 years ago.

Save Yourself Hours Wasted on Research

There are thousands upon thousands of Facebook posts, investing articles and news stories that you can read about how to pick stocks and invest your money wisely in the market. Why re-do all the work that is already being done by billionaires? Billionaires who have access to teams of top-end analysts and have a ton of information at their fingertips, which they have already sifted through and analysed to make investing decisions? Take advantage of the work they’ve already done and by using the iBillionaire platform to get up-to- date data access — save yourself countless hours poring over data tables that you only half understand!

Set it and Forget It

The best part of automatic investing is the auto part — once you’ve set up your account there’s nothing else to do! You can easily set up a specified amount to be transferred from your bank to your iBillionaire Investment Account, either weekly or monthly, your choice, which can be transferred automatically into an investing strategy. Want to put some of your money aside in different strategies on a monthly basis? No problem — you pick the strategies and when you want it to happen and that’s it. The only choice left for you to make is: cosmo, or mojito?

What are you waiting for?

Start saving and auto investing!

Historical performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All securities involve risk and may result in loss. Not endorsed by, affiliated with, sponsored by, or fully reflective of the “billionaires” or their companies. The information contained on and used by our site and in our apps includes the names, brief biographical information, and references the companies of certain persons whom iBillionaire has identified from publicly available information as high net worth and financially sophisticated personal investors, most of whom are public figures. iBillionaire does not communicate with and is not supported or endorsed by or affiliated or associated with any of these individuals or their companies. To the extent these individuals use their names or the names of their companies as trademarks, such trademarks belong to their respective holders, and iBillionaire’s use of the same does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. Information about the investments of the listed billionaires is limited to that which is publicly available in regulatory filings and may not provide a complete picture of each of their personal investment strategies. Daily and annual performance rates for the billionaires are calculated based on this limited information and will not accurately reflect each billionaire’s personal investment return. In addition, certain information is gleaned from filings made by companies substantially owned or controlled by one of the billionaires, which we have attributed to the billionaire personally.

by Tessa Palmer

