Lessons from Warren Buffett, George Soros and Carl Icahn

Three lessons we learned from this famous Billionaires over the last couple of years.

iBillionaire Capital
3 min readApr 20, 2017


Warren Buffett

Dollar-cost averaging is an investment technique of buying a fixed dollar amount of a particular investment on a regular schedule, regardless of the share price. The investor purchases more shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high

Buffett always buys using Dollar Cost Averaging.

Here is an example from Apple:

  • Bought 9.8 Million shares in May 2016 at $93–17%
  • Bought 5.4 Million shares in July 2016 at $97.42 totaling 15.2Million — 10%
  • Bought 42.2 Million shares in January 2017 totaling 57.4Million at $116–73%

George Soros

Small Cap: A company’s market capitalization is the market value of its outstanding shares. The definition of small cap can vary among brokerages, but it is generally a company with a market capitalization of between $300 million and $2 billion.

What does Adecoagro (AGRO) $1.4B, Tivo $2B, Caesars $2.1B have in common?

  • You probably never heard about these companies before
  • They are small Cap, unknown companies George Soros loves.

Ray Dalio

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be a valuable component for any investor’s portfolio, from the most sophisticated institutional money managers to a novice investor who is just getting started. An ETF trades like a stock on a stock exchange and looks like a mutual fund.

Dalio uses the most popular ETFs to gain broad market exposure.

  • His top 5 holdings are ETFs and make up 79.93% of the Portfolio or $8Billion.
  • The top ETFs Dalio is currently invested include VWO Emerging Markets, SPY S&P 500, EWZ iShare Brazil, LQD Bonds.

Remember you can invest in all of these Billionaires’s portfolios at iBillionaire.com

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