New to Investing and Feeling Overwhelmed? Start here!

Tips on how to give your new portfolio the best shot, from day 1.

iBillionaire Capital
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2017


Here at iBillionaire, we like to keep things simple. We want to make sure that anyone completely new to the investing world has an easy to understand platform that takes care of their financial needs.

If you’ve just signed up, chances are that you’re feeling excited and accomplished: you’ve just taken your first steps to mastering your investing habits. You deserve a pat on the back!

But as you flip through the list of investing strategies on offer, how do you decide which one to invest in? Here are a couple of suggestions from our team on some starter strategies to pick:

For the Humble Beginner: All Weather Strategy — this portfolio, designed by the brilliant Ray Dalio, aims to take advantage of market booms yet offers more protection against market downfalls than other more growth focused strategies. Due to its diversified nature, it could be a safe bet for first-time investors.

For the Go-With-The-Flow Kinda Guy: S&P 500 Strategy — a must for any beginner, investing in an S&P Index is a very popular option for investors and for good reason. Even Warren Buffett strongly recommends investing in an Index like this, if you don’t have the time to thoroughly research individual companies.

For the Billionaire Wannabee: IBLN Strategy — the heart of the iBillionaire platform. Billionaires have the luxury of employing sophisticated methods for selecting the right assets to invest in. But accessing this information was nearly impossible for the average Jane or Joe. That is, until iBillionaire! The iBillionaire Index contains the top stock choices of the most consistently successful billionaires, in one easy to access strategy for you to invest in.

For the Social Media Addict: Tech Stocks Strategy — investing in any one of the Big 4 tech stocks could set you back up to $800 per share if you were to go at it alone and buy individual stocks through a broker. And that number is constantly rising. But by investing in the Tech Strategy, you get to invest in exciting big-name tech companies for as little as $10. AND you get to invest in all 4: Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, all in one easy strategy.

For the Elon Musk Believer: Tesla / Musk Strategy — a riskier investment but one which has the potential for high rewards. One of the best aspects of iBillionaire is that the platform really allows you to invest in the people that you love most. In this case, the Tesla / Musk Strategy allows you to invest in one of the greatest leaders and inventors of our time, Elon Musk.

Don’t forget, diversification is a very powerful tool when it comes to investing. In fact, every single one of the 15 billionaires that we follow employs this tactic. Take a look at how to reduce the risk to your savings in this helpful article.

So to give your portfolio the best shot, why not invest a small amount in each strategy and see where it takes you?

You can readjust or withdraw your money at any time. And if you love it, why not chip in a little every week or month? With iBillionaire, you’ll be growing your savings account in no time!

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Originally published at on June 20, 2017.

