Ultimate Guide: The One Course That Billionaire Julian Robertson Wants You to Learn

The ultimate course for investors that will prove useful, time and time again.

iBillionaire Capital
4 min readJun 1, 2017


Julian Robertson once said “Accounting was the course that helped me more than anything.” And when a highly successful business man worth over $3 billion dollars gives out advice, it’s time to sit up and pay attention!

“Accounting was the course that helped me more than anything.”

Accounting gets a bad rap but it’s one of the most useful subjects you can learn if you’re a serious investor. The subject is at the heart of any business: all fields, industries, sectors and organizations rely heavily on accounts that record and communicate the key financial information about their business.

Here are some of the top reasons to take an accounting course:

To Know How to Properly Value a Company:

Financial statements are key to obtaining valuable information used to analyze a company. Statements can be intimidating if you don’t know what you’re doing so an accounting course can really help you to excel. By knowing the insides and out of Cash Flow, Balance Sheet and Income Statements you can learn how to pick out a company as a good investment. Knowledge of accounting allows you to truly understand how profitable a company is and to assess risk associated with the company’s assets and business model.

Determine Debt-to-Equity Ratios (& Other Metrics):

You’ve probably seen debt-to-equity ratios before and maybe even know how to calculate them. But there’s a whole other world of financial ratios and accounting factors that go into measuring the value of a company. These ratios are key for an investor and allow you to easily analyze and compare companies.

The World Needs Accounting:

As long as the world goes round the world will need accounts. The profession is unlikely to retire anytime soon and the great news is that the accounting language is by and large consistent across nations. Learning accounting allows you to communicate more easily to international audiences and different cultures. It gives you a better understanding of foreign markets and allows you to compare companies in different countries.

To Master Your Personal Finances:

To be able to set aside money for savings it is essential that you have a strong grasp on your own finances. Equipped with accounting knowledge you will know how to lay out your income and expenses, what some good financial goals are and how to set yourself a reasonable budget. If you have a basic accounting knowledge, things like buying a car become a whole lot easier. You can walk in with confidence and negotiate like a pro!

Make Better Sense of Current Events:

Whether in the news or in your office, accounting terms are often abuzz throughout your daily life. For example, when an accounting or finance scandals crop up in the news, you’ll be better placed to know what has gone wrong and why it’s important. It’ll be easier to strike up a conversation with a colleague and to sound really smart to your boss!

In Summary:

Gaining knowledge of the basics or accounting can really excel your financial prowess and boost your investing know-how. You’d be a fool to ignore these great reasons to learn accounting, whether it’s to make a smart investing choice or to impress your boss.

Take a page out of Robertson’s book and give an accounting course a go! You’ll be astounded at how useful it will be.

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