Manage Multiple Email Services with Django

Juli Colombo
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2020


Use different platforms according to your needs

As we have learned in my previous post, there are a lot of benefits in concentrating all the code related with sending emails in one place, creating a base mailer which handles the creation and delivery of messages, and subclassing it to manage some configurations that vary from email to email. We also learned a way to pass domain data to the email service to fill the email content with it.

In this article we will use what we achieved before to create a more complex email module, having different mailers and services for possible different situations. Let’s go!

Creating a mailer

In my other post we created a base mailer and some subclasses of it to send different emails using SendGrid. I will leave the code below to have it in mind.

Why would I need more than one email service?

Same backend for different clients

