Upload Multiple Images to a Model with Django

Juli Colombo
Published in
5 min readAug 20, 2020


Get flexibility without having several image fields

Very often in projects, especially in ecommerces, the client wants to link an image to a product. Way too much time has passed by for me to learn that most of the time the requirement changes in the middle of the project: the client has to be able to upload more than one image to a merchandise. And not only that, the amount of images is variable depending on the product.

Sometimes the first reaction is to panic, but I’ve come to a solution that is pretty flexible and easy to implement. So if you are in the same situation, I beg you to stay calm and read this article, it may help you!

The problem

To associate an image to a model in Django, we need to define an ImageField in the corresponding model, setting some optional configurations:

from django.db import modelsclass MyModel(models.Model):
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/')

If we want to upload multiple images to a model this way, we just need to define as many fields as we need:

from django.db import modelsclass MyModel(models.Model):
image_one = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/')
image_two =…

