Enable master node scheduling in OCP

Most often in development/test environments we have less resource footprints and often desire that scheduling be enabled on the OpenShift master nodes. This is however not enabled in OCP by default as it is not a recommended practise in production environments. OpenShift however, gives you the flexibility to allow scheduling of pods on master node(s.

To enable the scheduling of pods on master node(s), configure the “mastersSchedulable” field in scheduler config.

Complete the following steps to allow master nodes to be schedulable:

  1. Edit the schedulers.config.openshift.io resource by running the following command:

oc edit schedulers.config.openshift.io cluster

2. Set the mastersSchedulable spec to true to allow master nodes to be schedulable as shown below:

Set the mastersSchedulable spec to false to disallow master nodes to be schedulable. The value is set to false by default.

3. Save the file and check the status of the nodes using oc get nodes command.

The master nodes will now be marked with two roles: master,worker thus allowing pods to be scheduled on them

