Part 1: Installing Monitoring Module on IBM Cloud Pak for MultiCloud Management V1.3.0-Prerequisite Readiness

In this post, we will go through the steps involved in completing the Prerequisite Readiness for installing Monitoring Module on IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management V1.3 in a demo setup. The mode of installation is offline.

The Monitoring Module platform provides an application-aware infrastructure monitoring for monitoring the performance and availability of your cloud applications in your hybrid cloud environment. It provides the correct set of easy to use tools that meet the needs of development, operations, and site reliability engineering (SRE) teams.

The Monitoring Module includes IBM Cloud Event Management and both are included with the IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management, running on Red Hat OpenShift.

The infrastructure used in this case is for demo purpose and is same as the one in my previous posts. I am using the same environment where MCM V1.3.0 is installed

I have used node ose-ose-4 to perform all the steps in the installation.

Before installing the Monitoring Module, complete the following prerequisites:

1) Ensure that IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management V1.3.0 is installed on your hub cluster

2) Choose the storage solution for your Monitoring Module installation. For our installation we will be using the Glusterfs Storage block. This is applicable only for small environment for demo purpose. For Production and Mid Size Environments use persistent volumes that are backed by local storage as given in the guidelines.

3) Install Kubectl CLI tool. To complete the kubectl CLI setup follow the below steps:

a. Login to the icp console and click on Install CLI tools option in Start using the platform section as shown below:

b. In the IBM Cloud Pak CLI page, expand the Kubernetes CLI and select the appropriate OS. In my case I will be installing the client tools in my ose-ose-4 linux node.

c. Copy the curl command and paste it in the command prompt.

curl -kLo kubectl-linux-amd64-v1.13.11

d. The above command can be run from any temporary directory. Once the above command is executed, change the file permissions to add execute permission for all users using the below command:

chmod 755 kubectl-linux-amd64-v1.13.11

e. Now, move the above file to the /usr/local/bin directory by executing the below command:

mv kubectl-linux-amd64-v1.13.11/usr/local/bin/kubectl

f. Obtain the cluster configuration details after login to the console. The details are available in the user Configure Client option in the UI as shown below:

g. The configure client option window shows the commands to configure the kubectl client as shown below:

The configuration details are as shown below:

kubectl config set-cluster {cluster_name} — server=https://<Cluster Master Host>:<Cluster Master Port> — insecure-skip-tls-verify=true

kubectl config set-context {cluster_name}-context — cluster={cluster_name}

kubectl config set-credentials {username} — token={token}

kubectl config set-context {cluster_name}-context — user={username} — namespace=default

kubectl config use-context {cluster_name}-context

f. This completes the kubectl CLI Install.

4) Install cloudctl CLI tool. To complete the cloudctl CLI setup follow the below steps:

a. Login to the icp console and click on Install CLI tools option in Start using the platform section as done earlier.

b. In the IBM Cloud Pak CLI page, expand the IBM Cloud Pak CLI and select the appropriate OS as shown below: (In my case I will be installing the client tools in my ose-ose-4 linux node.)

c. Copy the curl command and paste it in the command prompt.

curl -kLo cloudctl-linux-amd64-v3.2.4–1675

d. The above command can be run from any temporary directory. Once the above command is executed, change the file permissions to add execute permission for all users using the below command:

chmod 755 cloudctl-linux-amd64-v3.2.4–1675

e. Now, move the above file to the /usr/local/bin directory by executing the below command:

mv kubectl-linux-amd64-v1.13.11/usr/local/bin/cloudctl

f. Confirm that cloudctl is installed by executing the below command:

cloudctl –help

5) Install helm CLI tool. To complete the helm CLI setup follow the below steps:

a. Login to the icp console and click on Install CLI tools option in Start using the platform section as shown below:

b. In the Helm CLI page, expand the Helm CLI and select the appropriate OS as shown below. (In my case I will be installing the client tools in my ose-ose-4 linux node.)

c. Copy the curl command and paste it in the command prompt.

curl -kLo helm-linux-amd64-v2.12.3.tar.gz

d. The above command can be run from any temporary directory. Once the above command is executed, make a helm-unpacked directory and unpack the installation file into that directory by executing the following commands:

mkdir helm-unpacked

tar -xvzf ./<path_to_installer> -C helm-unpacked

e. Change the file permissions to add execute permission for all users using the below command:

chmod 755 ./helm-unpacked/linux-amd64/helm

f. Now, move the above file to the /usr/local/bin directory by executing the below command:

mv ./helm-unpacked/linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

g. Confirm that helm is installed by executing the below commands:

export HELM_HOME=~/.helm (For 2.12.3 version only)

helm init — client-only — skip-refresh

helm version –tls

The output of the above commands is as given below:

6)Preparing to install the Monitoring Module link of IBM knowledge center talks about onboarding LDAP users. For my setup I skipped this step and was able to install the Monitoring Module.

This completes the first part of preparing to install the monitoring module.

