1 month to go!

Aline Mian Soares
IBM CSC India 42
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2019

I consider getting my CSC assignment as a Birthday gift. I did get my invitation letter two days before my birthday back in October 2018, it's only fair I consider it as a special present. A great one!

Participating in the Corporate Service Corps (CSC) program at IBM is very competitive and deemed to be a life changing experience so I was already trilled to have been accepted in the 2018 selection, but as the actual assignment may take a while, it only seemed real once I got the invitation letter for the India 42 group going to Chandigarh. Since then I can tell you I've had many sleepless nights with questions and concerns on my mind: have I made the right choice? am I good enough for the work ahead of me? the Visa papers are taking too long! Luckily I'm not alone, and that's part of the experience. I remind myself in the middle of the night that this is a group effort, an one that I've been wanting to participate in for the last decade, since it started. There's a big network of support and organization within IBM and partnering with IBM, in addition to the 18 members of the group all going to the same place to work together. When corporations and people come together we can achieve a lot, and that's exactly what CSC is all about.

We will be in Chandigarh for 30 days during March working with local NGOs on their challenges to grow and support local communities. I like to describe CSC as an infrastructure program for the NGOs. It's not work with the end user it self, but about allowing the NGOs to be the best they can be.

I’m very happy about getting this chance to participate in the CSC program and go to a Country I’ve never been to, or thought I would ever go, learning a new set of skills. I’m also very glad about all the encouragement I’ve been getting from my family, friends and colleagues. I’m really thankful for this opportunity!

In little less then a month on Feb 27 I'll be a pile of nervousness and excitement at the airport in Sao Paulo waiting to board the plane. My heart beats faster as I write this, I'm already anxious about it!

To learn more about CSC visit the page https://www.ibm.com/ibm/responsibility/corporateservicecorps/programdetails.html



Aline Mian Soares
IBM CSC India 42

(over)Thinker, History junkie and curious of cultures and places