Exploring our home for the next 4 weeks

Alison Dalby
IBM CSC India 42
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2019

My journey to India started with an emotional send-off by my guys at the Sacramento airport early in the morning on February 27. There were encouraging words, hugs, tears, excitement for the unknown — and “momma-momma” echoing in my ears as I waved goodbye going through the airport security line.

The pic I snapped of Damon & Nolan as I went through security.

It was heartbreaking to leave but I knew they would have a great month bonding together and enjoying weeks of visits from our parents (for which I am so grateful!). Although I was the only one traveling to India, it would be a growth experience for us all.

There also a bit of nervousness and uncertainty as I went through security. Earlier that morning airspace in India had been temporarily closed because of the Pakistan-India conflict heating up. I was heading to the state of Punjab in northern India which borders Pakistan. IBM Security was closely watching the situation and we were all advised to fly out.

The trip both to Delhi and to get to our final destination in northern India was an adventure filled with airline delays and cancellations, challenging us all to be flexible and adjust to new modes of travel.

On the way over, our phones were filled with selfies of each IBM team member leaving their respective airport, building our anticipation to finally meet in person and begin our 4 week adventure working and experiencing the culture of northern India together. I finally arrived in Delhi early in the morning on March 1 after 34 hours of traveling.

After our overnight stop in Delhi, domestic flights were still cancelled to Chandigarh, so the 18 of us packed into a bus and spent the next 6 hours striking up conversations getting to know one another, one bump after another traveling the Indian countryside.

Saturday, March 2 was our first official day together in beautiful Chandigarh and we had an exciting city tour planned where we ventured out to explore the main sites and eat local cuisine.

The Rock Garden was my highlight. It was a sculpture garden unlike I’ve ever seen. Started by a government official in his spare time, the garden is spread over 40 acres. You could see the clear contrast between the city’s grid pattern streets and the elaborate, wandering paths of the garden.

The sculptures and art pieces are made out of waste materials such as old bangle bracelets, broken dishes, toilet porcelain and light bulb sockets. It was definitely not your average sculpture garden. Check out some of my favorite pics below!

Exploring the Rock Garden with India Team 42!

It was a great day to unwind and get geared up for our official kick-off planned for the next two days. I knew it would be an exciting and fast-paced month in the city and I was ready to get started on our assignment!



Alison Dalby
IBM CSC India 42

IBMer, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, #milspouse, first time momma, fierce friend, family fuels me. Living my best life! (opinions in this blog are my own)