Final Prep for CSC India 42 — Trip to Melbourne Beach Florida

Kathleen Prince-Sayward
IBM CSC India 42
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2019

I wanted to take some time to spend with family before I leave for 6 weeks. So, this post is about the trip before the trip :)

We traveled to Melborne Beach, FL. We have a wonderful Air BnB from

We did some hiking near the place and it was really wonderful. The only downfall was the mosquitoes. We had to wear long shirts and long pants (even in 80º!) and still needed deet on our exposed skin. There was one nice thing about it. Every hiker we met was suffering from the mosquitoes too, so we offered the deet to them. By the time the hike was over we had helped 10 people! As we finished our hike we left the can with the last family so they could pass it along to the next suffering hiker.

Here is a little recap of our hike. I wanted to put this together because I needed to make sure I knew how it worked. I plan on using it for my CSC trip to document some of the day trips we take there.

This trip has been extremely relaxing with and has been a really nice boost to my relationship. We have taken some hikes, walked on the beach, a boat tour, visited a botanical garden and had some wonderful food at various restaurants. In between these we have just hung out at the apartment, watched movies and even taken naps! Naps feel like the ultimate luxury which at home I never have time to do, or even if I did have time, I am too wound up to do. I like that I will be leaving from such a strong base. I have more energy so I can then put all my focus on the tasks at hand.

I will be arriving home from this trip with less that 24 hours before I leave for India! I tried to do as much pre-packing as possible. This was mostly a thought process and a collection of some things into a pile before I left for this trip. I am hoping I have saved myself from a mad dash to get everything together. I have a feeling no amount of pre-packing is going to save me from that feeling however :)

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned, as my next post probably will be from India!



Kathleen Prince-Sayward
IBM CSC India 42

IBM data scientist, bashful blogger, lover of nature, wife, mother, and generally lost and found all at the same time (opinions in this blog are my own)