IBM CSC — Midway Point

Kathleen Prince-Sayward
IBM CSC India 42
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2019


I have spend the last two weeks embracing a new culture and a wonderful people! It takes me awhile to process everything so I will probably write all my blogs well after things are happening. This is my attempt to at least give a little peek into what has been happening here.


It took almost 2 days to get from Detroit, MI, USA to Chandigarh, Punjab, India. Most of the trip was mundane up to the New Delhi, but then it got exciting, scary, amazing, confusing, smelly, and beautiful all at the same time.

We all took some travel shots of the start of our travel.

Tour of Chandigarh

We spent the first day getting to know our city a little bit. We got to tour Rock Garden and Sukhna Lake. These were both amazing spots and again gave us as a team some time to get to know each other a little more. We also began to identify with our sub-teams.

Our Sub-Teams

Meeting each other

We spent the second we spent getting to know each other, and a little bit more about this wonderful country we came to visit. It was really amazing hearing about each other’s lives and understanding just what diversity we bring. Everyone has such wonderful stories and I was so excited to be sharing some time with these amazing people.

First we each gave a 5 minute presentation about ourselves. Ellen and Kerry did poems! How awesome. Then VSO gave us presentations about India.

Meeting our client

The client meetings started on day 3 and we were just starting to get a peek into what our assignment was going to be about. There is really no way to really know what it is after this first meeting, but you start getting some ideas. This day was a full one, starting with the full group receiving presentations from each of the clients in the morning and ending with finally getting some one on one time with the client and sub-team. I have to admit, I was starting to get a little tired. We had been going non-stop for 6 days. I was getting about an average of 4–5 hours of sleep per night and it was starting to show. I was thankful the rest of my team was there to help retain some of the information, and ask good questions.

Dr. Kundra from SOSVA, and the whole group from IBM CSC, IBM CSR, and VSO.

Here is a photo album with the first few days of the journey:



Kathleen Prince-Sayward
IBM CSC India 42

IBM data scientist, bashful blogger, lover of nature, wife, mother, and generally lost and found all at the same time (opinions in this blog are my own)