Namaste! First days in India

Ignacio Bautista
IBM CSC India 42
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2019

I know it’s been over two weeks since I arrived in India I but I’m a bit delayed with blogging, so I will try to cover the first few days in this post.

After a long plane ride I arrived to Delhi on Feb 28th. I was the second member of the team to arrive in Delhi, only Dagmar had arrived before, and we had a wonderful day visiting the most representative places in the city. I found Dehli clearly above my expectations and I was really impressed by Humayun’s Tomb and the Red Fort. It was also great to spend a complete day with Dagmar as we got to know each other better.

Humayun’s tomb

The next day most of the group had already arrived (only the Canadians were missing as they had to re plan their route after suffering a flight cancellation due to the the India-Pakistan conflict) and we did a short tour around the city together. We were supposed to travel to Chandigarh by plane but our flight was cancelled so we did the trip by bus. It was a bumpy six hour trip that allowed us to talk with each other and to get to know each other (although it was fun, I hope the way back is by plane!) We arrived in Chandigarh at night and we had a great dinner all together.

Saturday was our first complete day in Chandigarh and we had a great city tour that included the Rock Garden, an impressive sculpture garden built from recycled materials, and Sukhna Lake, where we had the chance to have a short boat ride. In our first day we could already see that Chandigarh is different from other Indian cities because of the Le Corbusier planning.

CSC India42 team in the Rock Garden

On Sunday morning we had an activity to discover more about each other, where we had to talk about ourselves for 5 minutes. It was amazing as we heard some incredible stories and it helped us to understand the motivation behind each one of us for deciding to come on the IBM Corporate Service Corps assignment. Following the activity, we had an orientation session about the 4 week program that would start on the upcoming Monday by meeting our clients.

India 42 — Kick off Event

