Resumes, LinkedIn, Professional Networking and Interviewing workshop at RCED

Carolyn Marsh
IBM CSC India 42
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2019

Last week our wonderful client at RCED asked if we would give a seminar to their students on the best practices of getting a job in 2019. We gladly accepted and put together some best practices and lessons learned about putting together a resume, a LinkidIn profile, professional networking and interviewing skills. We presented to a packed house on this past Thursday. Milan did a great job covering how to put together an effective resume. I even learned a lot and need to update my own.

Ellen did a very thorough and engaging session on LinkedIn. Only one or two students had a LinkedIn profile so we are looking forward to connecting with all of them!

Students at RCED listening and learning from Ellen about LinkedIn

I gave the final presentation about the value of networking when you are trying to get a job and then dos and don’t when it comes to interviewing. Our session lasted over 2 hours and the students were fully engaged and seemed to get a lot out of it. Again it was our pleasure and privilege to share this knowledge with the RCED students. They keep amazing us with their eagerness to learn and their drive to reach their goals.



Carolyn Marsh
IBM CSC India 42

IBM US Federal Client Executive, Adjunct Professor, Wife, Mother, and outdoor and sustainability enthusiast that loves the V states (Virginia and Vermont).