Send offs and expanding experiences

Aline Mian Soares
IBM CSC India 42
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

It just hit me. I'm actually going to be in India for 40 days. I know I've known for 4 months this was going to happen, and I've travel on vacation for 30 days straight before, so it's not about how long I'll be away, but somehow this feels different and it took a while to sink in. Seeing movies, documentaries and researching about the country and the region we will be staying it's one of the best parts about pre-trip activities. As another developing country I see a lot of Brazil there, we have very different histories and background, but we are still connected and in some points the same.

I've been using the CSC assignment as an excuse to get friends, family and colleagues together for send offs "parties". I'ts been great having that relaxed time together and suspend the craziness for a little while. During our rushed lives it's not often easy to find time to meet so I'm glad to have CSC as a great excuse for that!

In the past week our 18 people group has been divided into 6 groups that will be working on specific projects. We've also received a first view of the project scope we are assigned and are starting to dive into the organization we will be working with and the project details.It's been interesting learning about the organization, their story and thinking on how we can contribute to deliver long term impact with the organization and community they serve. It's definitely going to stretch my thinking and innovative capabilities, this is not my every day type of project, and that's why it's so scary and exciting at the same time. After all, that's what CSC is also about, expand us as professionals so that we can share that expansion back into our home country and teams. It's almost time to fly!



Aline Mian Soares
IBM CSC India 42

(over)Thinker, History junkie and curious of cultures and places