Day 1: Kick off Ceremony and first meeting with our customer

Mikiko Horioka
#IBMCSC South Africa 18 Team
7 min readOct 22, 2017

On October 16, we had a kick off ceremony at City of Joburg (Here people call Johannesburg Joburg.) in the morning, and first meeting with the customer in the afternoon. After spending a few days, we finally start our pro-bono project working in South Africa!! CSC SA#18 team consists of 14 members from around the world, but our working group is divided into 4 subteams to engabe in each client.

Let me give you a brief introduction about the project I will engage in. Our customer is NEMISA, National Electronic Media Institute of SA, whose mission is to provide a national integrated e-skills development approach for sustainable socio-economic development in South Africa, and to radically advance the human capacity development in e-skills. South Africa is one of the target countries to implement the initiative called “Internet For All”, one of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) initiatives which focuses on accelerating Internet access and adoption to the over four billion people not connected to the Internet. NEMISA has been designated to serve as the lead executing entity to drive the skills and awareness component of the Internet for All. Our CSC team’s mission is to help NEMISA to develop a strategic plan to implement Internet for All in South Africa.

Subteam 3 — working for “Internet for All” with NEMISA. From left, Me (Japan), Chris (Hong Kong), Tjuan (USA), Rama (India)
Subteam 3 with Mymoena (CEO) and Victoria (Marketing & Communications), NEMISA

After the kickoff ceremony, we moved to NEMISA’s office at Parktown. We met about 10 stakeholders and the team was all very excited to work with them. We introduced each other and had some discussion to get better understanding about NEMISA. “Internet for All” initiative is just started in South Africa, and this would be a key initiative to help decrease unemployment ratio for over 10 years. I heard that some people say South Africa is not a developing country any more, and I also feel so here in Joburg. However I am learning each province is really different and they need some support to develop skill and awareness on digital literacy. I’m honored to be a part of this project, and looking forward to working with NEMISA and other stakeholders.


私のプロジェクトは、NEMISA(National Electronic Media Institute of SA)という機関がお客様になります。NEMISAは政府の通信局がスポンサーとなっており、もともとは南アフリカにおけるアニメーションとか映画製作のスキルをあげるために作られた機関とのことですが、現在はe-skillをあげるための活動が主なものとなっています。World economic forumが立ち上げたイニシアチブの一つに、”Internet for all”というものがあり、これはまだインターネットにつながっていないとされる世界の人口の52%にあたる39億人に、インターネットを使えるようにしようというものです。NEMISAはこのイニシアチブの中で、南アフリカにおけるSkill & Awarenessをあげる責任を担っており、今回のCSCの活動は、このStrategic planを作るというもの。なかなか壮大なテーマではありますが、少しでもこの国の経済的発展に貢献できたらいいなと思い、とてもやりがいのあるプロジェクトにアサインされたことをうれしく思っています。


View from our project room. Great season to see Jacaranda.

#ibmcsc south africa #cscza18 #NEMISA

