Paula Buerkle
#IBMCSC South Africa 18 Team
2 min readOct 30, 2017


Inspirational day on Saturday partnered with Tech Savvy Kids — CSC Community Service Day. Our IBM team mentored the learners and teachers while working to understand social issues and brainstorming for creative solutions: Teen Pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, Cyberbullying, Gender Violence/Safe Environment & African Township Economy
Our Team! Creating solutions to reduce teen pregnancy — these bright leaders will effect change in their community!
Planning the Community Service day at IBM Research — South Africa
Kickoff for the CSC South Africa project with City of Coburg, IBM & DOT leadership.
A very moving day learning more about Nelson Mandela and the history that has shaped this country and great City of Joburg.
Visited Soweto, a township where 3 million Joburg residents live. Good taste of daily life to help form the perspective for our work here.
Celebrating Diwali with a wonderful team! One of the best parts of this experience is working with IBMers from 10 different countries on a daily basis. We are learning so much about one another, our cultures and how to work best together for a common goal.
And it wouldn’t be a trip to South Africa without visiting the furry kind of local residents. A Lion/Rhino park outside of Joburg gave the team a break from the city life and a chance to pet a 3 year old cheetah while she purred and pet 5 month old white lions.

