IBM CSC — South Africa 18 — Three days in…

Kathleen Leedle
#IBMCSC South Africa 18 Team
4 min readOct 16, 2017

Since arriving in Johannesburg on Friday morning, I have learned so much about the history of South Africa, the emerging economy, and the visions of South African leaders to create a future that all South Africans can call their own.

We visited the IBM office in Sandown on Saturday morning and had the opportunity to get insight from local IBM executives about the South Africa marketplace, emerging industries and how IBM can add value through recommendations on value chain logistics, business process support, and numerous other consulting services.

IBM South Africa office — Sandown

After the IBM meeting closed, we were treated to a visit at Zulu Nyala Country Manor where we enjoyed local cuisine, viewed hand made local artwork and had a ninety minute lesson with a Djembe. At the end, we had to give a performance with the Djembe which I hope never makes an appearance on the internet.

On Sunday morning, we embarked on a two-hour tour of the Apartheid Museum and I learned extensively about the Apartheid, the Anti-Apartheid movement, and the resiliency of human beings to triumph over segregation and discrimination. Many videos and images brought me tears. As we left the museum, a message of peace is offered to accept what has happened, understand it and let any anger go. Choose to move forward in peace and work towards a better future for all.

Apartheid Museum

In the afternoon, we were given a tour of Soweto which is one of the townships of Johannesburg. We travelled around in Tuk-tuks which the local community is comfortable with. Children there love to wave and smile at the visitors and we felt very welcomed. We visited the homes of many well known past residents such as Nelson Mandela, Lilian Ngoyi and Desmond Tutu.

Visiting Soweto
Learning about local traditions

Finally, this morning, we had the official IBM CSC kickoff at the City of Johannesburg. After months of prep and training, it was an exciting day to be had. The ceremony was attended by the City manager and many other city representatives, as well as the IBM South Africa Chief Operating Officer.

There are 14 of us here representing IBM globally. My sub-team and I are working for the Office of the Premier on the Tshepo 1 Million initiative which focuses on skills training, short and long term job placement, and the facilitation on entrepreneurship start ups.

IBM team ‘4 Hope’
Kickoff ceremony
Kickoff ceremony
Kickoff ceremony

That’s it for three days into this journey. Now that I am settled in, I realize how lucky I am to part of this program and grateful for the opportunity to expand on my leadership skills. The IBM team is great and we have been a true team since the beginning. We take up the entire 18th floor of the hotel so there is no shortage of opportunities to discuss our ideas, someone to share dinner with or even to help with technical support already. It feels like I am back in University all over again.

Till next time.



