CSC Thailand 3 — Day 2 — The global conference and sea food

Leandro David
IBM CSC Thailand 3
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2018

People from many countries in a round table during the day — and sea food on the table later at night

Second day started and after a good breakfast we were all there in this nice meeting room at the hotel lobby for the official orientation day.

People from all around the world in this global conference room

Part of the orientation activities was that we should introduce ourselves to the rest of the team and present a summary our life history.

It was very interesting to discover more about each member of the team. We have people from different countries each one with a different life history.

At some point I felt like if I was in a kind of global conference with people from many countries united by the purpose of helping the local community.

For the dinner, we all came to this exotic (for me at least) sea food restaurant where had the chance to try many different dishes mostly local Thai food and Asiatic food in general.

I'll let the pictures show how this restaurant was

Oyster, lobster, sea snail, and all you can eat from the sea — Yeas I ate

By the end of the day I was feeling exhausted and with a growing anxiety for the next day getting closer. The next day would be the great Opening Ceremony Day !

But I'll save it for the next post. Day 2 is over !

